Automatic Csh rehashing?

ado at elsie.UUCP ado at elsie.UUCP
Tue Jun 12 07:12:36 AEST 1984

"Csh" does hashing to cut down on the number of directories that get searched
when you ask for a command to be executed.  If you add a command to a directory
in your path after the hash table is created, you get to use the built-in
command to ensure that Csh is able to find the added command.

I'm thinking that rehashing by hand can be avoided if,
when "Csh" gets to a place where it produces a
	Command not found
diagnostic, it automatically does a rehash and tries to find the command a
second time.  (Yes, this does slows down production of the diagnostic
when the command REALLY is missing.  Would "set noautorehash" calm gurus? :-))

Any reactions?  Has anyone done this for 4.1 bsd?  Does it show up in 4.2?
Tap that 'r' key and mail me your reply.  Thanks.
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