deceptive mail

Rob Warnock rpw3 at redwood.UUCP
Wed Nov 14 08:08:47 AEST 1984

| I thought it was a bug.  When we switched to MMDF it agreed with me.
| The From: line and who is posting the message must agree or mmdf tells
| you to drop dead (to be honest it says something like invalid author spec).
| So I change the rmail to ignore the USER enviroment variable and alway go by
| uid.

Uhhh... remember that the "From:" line may not ALWAYS be the person
posting the message, if there is a "Sender:" line. (See RFC822 for an
example in which a secretary sends boss's mail.) ((And aren't there
"Resent-...:" headers, too?))

Anyway, the 'uid' (if not "uucp") should match ONE of the valid sender
lines, but not necessarily "From:".

Rob Warnock

UUCP:	{ihnp4,ucbvax!amd}!fortune!redwood!rpw3
DDD:	(415)572-2607
Envoy:	rob.warnock/kingfisher
USPS:	510 Trinidad Ln, Foster City, CA  94404

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