Wanted: Long Identifier Hunter

Kevin Szabo ksbszabo at wateng.UUCP
Thu Jan 31 17:02:10 AEST 1985

In article <1321 at utah-gr.UUCP> donn at utah-gr.UUCP (Donn Seeley) writes:
>	From: shawn at mit-eddie.UUCP (Shawn McKay)
>	I am looking for something to run over broken BSD software,
>	that will aid me in finding [long identifier clashes]...
>Rather than write your own long-identifier detector or borrow some
>bug-ridden net.sources hack, I suggest you make use of a little-known
>and (when known) oft-ignored program named 'lint'.

I would like to bring to your attention that LINT is often substandard
at some institutions. The one we have on our Orcatech workstation
croaks if filenames are longer the 13 chars! Yes, I know, bug the
vender. Well I have ... with slow results. The only other option
is to lint under BSD, unfortunately BSD lint gives you a choice
of either a) flexnames OR b) 6 char case insensitive. I refuse
to convolute my names any more than I have already had too (to create
7 char case sensitive), and thus the BSD lint was useless. Fortunately
I had access to the source for LINT and could patch things up
so that it would look for the fairly common 7 char externs.

Also, multiply defined externals is handled differently by some
compilers.  For some reason our compiler & lint do not complain
about the following piece of code:

int	nonunique;
int	nonunique;

main() {;}

Is there a reason for such behaviour? The V7 compiler I used to work
with croaked in the loader phase with an incomprehensible error message
when it had cases like these.

Anyway, Hugh Redelmeier (hcrvx1!hugh) distributed CLASH a week or two
ago. It should do what you need.


	(hopefully followups to this will go to net.lang.c)
Kevin Szabo  watmath!wateng!ksbszabo (U of Waterloo VLSI Group, Waterloo Ont.)

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