Problems with automatic (\"answering machine\") mail responders

Arthur David Olson ado at elsie.UUCP
Wed Jul 24 06:04:15 AEST 1985

> > . . .by having my automatic mail answerer check
> > 1) that's the mail is addressed personally to me (not a mailing list),
> > 2) that is hasn't replied before to the same person, 
> most problems with "answreing machine" responders can be solved, without
> adding an exception list. . .
> Also, make sure that the letter isn't coming from another mail answering
> program if possible. A program I wrote called "mp" always appended "- (mp)"
> to the end of the subject line, so that it wouldn't cause infinite mail
> loops. . .

Hmmm. . .if you're having the answering program check for personal
mail, you might avoid the "- (mp)" business by having the answering program
send responses a la
	To: original-sender yourself
which would make any bounce-back from the original site look like "impersonal"
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