Very smart terminaks

George Williams gww at aphasia.UUCP
Sat Sep 7 05:22:04 AEST 1985

> While I'm at it, the terminal is also where history belongs...


I kind of like having history not include all the funny things I typed into
my text editor (how could the terminak know what program it was running?).
I agree that it would be nice to have history built in to every program, but
I want each program to have its own history, not have them all confused
together (which is what I think putting history in the terminal would do,
of course you could build some absurdly smart terminaks which would have
3 or 4 history lists and commands for allocating/freeing/changing them
but this seems extreem).

Also it's kind of nice when I display history not to see things like
    21 man greengrocer^Uman 3 grd^Heen^Wsprintf
Are you going to teach the terminal about what my line/word/character deletes
are (how about ^R, does it understand that ^C flushes the input buffer?)
does it understand that on a DEC OS escape is a break character, ^G?

I think there is just too much stuff here for even a smart terminal, or a
PC to deal with, it has to understand the guts of too many OSes to be economicly
feasible, but if you at callan build such a thing I'll be happy to review it
for you...

			    George Williams

I breath, I spit, I am.  But take no further notice
I was merely nodding in.

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