Has anybody put any release of NFS into BRL Unix?

Arnold D. Robbins {EUCC} arnold at emory.UUCP
Thu May 22 00:36:19 AEST 1986

We are making preparations to put 4.3 + NFS 3.0 from Mt. Xinu on our Unix
machines over the summer. However, since Berkely is not known for delivering
their releases particularly on time, we are making contingency plans to go
with BRL Unix (from plain 4.2).

What I would like to know is pretty much summarized in the subject line:
Has anybody put any release of NFS into BRL Unix? If you have, could you
send me mail telling me what release of NFS it was, and how much work was
involved? Any and all information would be greatly appreciated.

I will summarize to the net if it seems warranted.

Thanks in Advance,
Arnold Robbins
CSNET:	arnold at emory	BITNET:	arnold at emoryu1
ARPA:	arnold%emory.csnet at csnet-relay.arpa
UUCP:	{ akgua, decvax, gatech, sb1, sb6, sunatl }!emory!arnold

"All this digital stuff is just a fad. Analog is the way to go."
	-- William M. Robbins, 1984

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