Ultrix Fortran

John Hammer hammer at gt-cmmsr.UUCP
Thu May 8 03:57:47 AEST 1986

I am interested in the quality of Fortran on Ultrix.  If you
have experience with it, I would like to hear your comments,
good or bad.  Comparisons with VMS Fortran would be particularly
appreciated.  Please e-mail to me, and I will summarize if there
is sufficient interest.

John M. Hammer
Center for Man-Machine Systems Research, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332
uucp:    ...!{akgua,allegra,hplabs,ihnp4,seismo,ulysses}!gatech!gt-cmmsr!hammer
	 hammer at gt-cmmsr.UUCP
csnet:   hammer%gt-cmmsr at gatech.CSNET
arpanet: hammer%gt-cmmsr%gatech at csnet-relay.ARPA
phone:	 (404) 894-4055

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