unix system enhancements

Barry Shein bzs at BU-CS.BU.EDU
Fri Oct 3 09:32:10 AEST 1986

Guy Harris writes...
>The trouble is that several people have done this, all giving the file
>a different name.
 (proceeds to list various names for the system-wide .login files for csh)

And I gave it a different name! Anyhow, call it what you like, here's
the change to the file sh.c, around line 332, 4.2bsd:
[note: it's just the one srcunit() line that needs to be added]

		if (loginsh) {
			/* BZS -
				srcunit/open does enuf
				access checking. Source
				a global .login file if it
				exists. Cannot use srccat
				et al cause they demand
				we be the owner.
			srcunit(dmove(open("/usr/lib/.login",0),-1),0,0) ;
			/* end BZS */
			srccat(value("home"), "/.login");

	-Barry Shein, Boston University

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