tty input and output at different speeds?

Jon Allen jallen at uxrd1.UUCP
Thu Oct 2 22:25:04 AEST 1986

I once tested split speeds under 4.2BSD a long long time ago.  It seems
to me that it was relatively easy.  I wrote a little progroam that used
ioctl to set two different speeds once I had logged in.  I believe the
4.2 terminal control structure had capabilities for separate input and 
output speeds.  I am not sure this is true in SYS V.  Then I changed the 
speeds on the terminal.  You need two things to do this; a multiplexor
on your computer that can handle split speeds, and a terminal that can
handle split speeds.  Of course to do it nicely at least getty would
have to be hacked.
			-Jon Allen


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