Need troff filter for Veriflex S700A

Edward M. Rynes Esq. rynes at cwruecmp.UUCP
Sat Sep 6 04:38:09 AEST 1986


Someone from the Mechanical Eng. Dept. here is looking for a troff filter
for a Variflex S700A printer.  They have a Pixel 80 running UNIX (I don't
know what version).  Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.


Edward Rynes	Facilities Manager	|	    "The next time, I dedicate
Dept. of Computer Eng. and Science	| My life's work to the friends I make.
Case Western Reserve University		|   I give them what they want to hear.
Cleveland, Ohio   44106			| They think I'm up to something weird.
...!decvax!cwruecmp!rynes		| And up rears the head of fear in me."
rynes at case.csnet	(216) 368-6471	|			Kate Bush

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