
Andrew Valencia vandys at hpisoa1.HP.COM
Fri Aug 26 01:53:20 AEST 1988

/ hpisoa1:comp.unix.wizards / clp at altos86.UUCP (Chuck L. Peterson) /  1:25 pm  Aug 24, 1988 /
>Why does terminfo exist?
>It makes much more sense to edit a /etc/termcap to install
>new or different terminal capabilities.

    Why strchr (index), strrchr (rindex), /usr/mail (/usr/spool/mail)?  Why
VTIME, VMIN (cbreak)?  Why sxt's (ptys), why regions (vmunix)?  Why
System V (BSD)?  God, I need a drink.

				Andy Valencia

p.s. :->

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