Dilog DQ686 Controller/uVax II problems

Reg Quinton reggers at julian.uwo.ca
Wed Oct 5 03:47:13 AEST 1988

Hi, I've got a uVax II with a Dilog DQ686 controller for an ESDI disk -- it
looks like an ra80 to the system but of course the partition tables are
different. The remaining disks are RD's on a Dec controller. I was running this
configuration under Ultrix without any problems and recently moved to BSD 4.3 --
life has become very difficult. Although I can use the disk, things get tough:

a) 4.3 BSD uda.c code bitches about the controller at boot time.

b) system hangs after a while (I assume controller is in a snit).

If there's anyone out there using this controller under 4.3 I'd appreciate
hearing from them. Please contact me by E-mail.
Telephone:	(519) 661 2151 x6026 (a real person and not a machine)
Canada:		reggers at uwo.ca (used to be UWO.CDN)
BITNET:		reggers at uwovax.BITNET (for the ethnocentric)
UUCP:		reggers at julian.UUCP (...!watmath!julian..)

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