Future at Berzerkeley

Donn Baumgartner donn at titan.rice.edu
Fri Mar 17 07:44:08 AEST 1989

In article <665 at cimcor.mn.org> (Michael Grenier) writes:
>From article <13324 at steinmetz.ge.com>, (William E. Davidsen Jr):
>>   Is there a future for BSD? Ignoring the issue of when new releases
>	:
>> will there be a demand for BSD in three years? Five?
>I don't know about OSF (and don't really care :-)  but UNIX International
>	:
>types who think BSD is the greatest (actually, many others think it is too!)
>Unfortuntely, there will only be UNIX V.2 for this lowly Intel 80286 box...

(plug)	My recent request for help brought in several new recruits to the
ATbsd project (I'm thankful to the net for this), leading me to speculate that
Mike will not be permanently destined to run V.2 on his box, and to further
suggest that there are thousands of similar people with 286 machines that will
continue to be interested in BSD (perhaps casting doubt on Mr. Davidsen's
implication that BSD is on it's way out).
	If any of (the rest of) you berzerkeley supporters/freaks missed my
last plea for help (and you have a BSD source license, sigh), don't hesitate
to send me mail asking for details on how you can help with the ATbsd project.
The more people working on this, the sooner it'll get done.
			- Donn Baumgartner
			(donn at rice.edu, rice!donn)
			ATbsd project coordinator (and hacker :-)

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