Can you make ditroff print in landscape orientation on an Apple laserwriter?

Ross Parker parker at zaphod.Berkeley.EDU
Fri Nov 17 05:47:24 AEST 1989

In article <621 at alias.UUCP>, mherman at alias.UUCP (Michael Herman) writes:
> The tools are have at hand are:
>     - ditroff, tbl and -ms
>     - Adobe Transcript
>     - an Apple LaserWriter Plus
> The ideal solution would be something like:
>     - set *these* troff registers to *these* values
>     - set *these* -ms registers to *these* values
>     - use *these* options when you run *these* Transcript programs
> ... but I am interested in hearing about any solution that might work.

If you're using Transcript version 2.1 (I think this will work for
earlier versions also), simply add a '-r' flag onto the 'psdit'
command line. You'll need to set up the page length and page width
within your document to suit (and tbl still has a hard-coded limit,
I believe). Here's a sample command line:

tbl file | /usr/lib/ditroff -ms -Tpsc -i | /usr/local/transcript/psdit -r |
	lpr -Pps

Hope this helps...

Ross Parker      				| Why do they put me down?
Microtel Pacific Research Ltd.			| Make out that I'm a clown?
Burnaby, B.C.,	     				| I drink scotch whisky all
Canada, eh?	     uunet!ubc-cs!mpre!parker	|	 day long
(604)293-5495	     parker at		| Yeah I'm gonna save my money
Disclaimer:					| (gonna put it all away...)
My fingers are doing all the work...		| 'Cause I'm a Scotsman

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