Can you recommend a good OS book?

George Neville-Neil gnn at heisenberg.Berkeley.EDU
Sat Jun 22 07:16:11 AEST 1991

Hi Folks,

	IMHO if you want a good general book on OS's that are 
"unix like" then get "Operating System Design:  The Xinu Approach" 
by Douglas E. Comer from Prentice Hall.

	My OS class used it and I enjoyed it enough that I just
read it liek a novel.  I have found all of Mr. Comer's books to be
of similar quality and always recommend them when I can.

	In the case of more specific "design" type books then the 4.3 book 
from McKusick, Karels, Leffler and Quaterman is excelent as is the System
V book from Bach.


George Neville-Neil      		Kinky is as kinky does.
gnn at 

Life is like a sewer, you get out of it what you put into it.  -- T. Lehrer

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