Terminal and printer on 1 modem

Fred Rump fred at cdin-1.uucp
Fri Dec 23 09:17:02 AEST 1988

In article <178 at loft386.UUCP>, sdg at loft386.UUCP (Steve Goodrich) writes:
,> I have an interesting problem:  I need a way to use both a printer
,> and a terminal on one modem.  Multiplexers and stat-muxes are too
  [stuff deleted]
,> In order to do this, she needs to have both a printer and a terminal at
,> home.
,> I think that
,> there must be a better answer, though.  In my mind, a person should be
,> able to live with only having to purchase two modems and one phone line.

,> Therefore, I'd like to solicit your help:  you've seen my problem.  Can
,> you help me find a way to get her a terminal and a printer at home with
,> only one modem?  I'll take all the help I can get.

Well this is an easy one. Anybody ever hear of transparent printing?
We use it all the time at terminals in house. The customer would have a bunch
of terminals scattered all over a building or set of buildings. Rather than
have users climb all over themselves to get to a central printer, they have a
little cheapy right at their terminal plugged into the aux port.

Arnet and others have available transparent printing drivers that share the 
one line while the SLOW user types at his station the printer gets plenty of
spare time to print at the same time.

I would suggest you give your local Arnet vendor a call. You do need the smart
card though. I suppose nobody buys the dumn one anymore.
fred rump

Fred Rump, Pres.       | UUCP: {rutgers,cbmvax,bellcore}!bpa!cdin-1!fred
CompuData, Inc.        |  or ...{allegra killer gatech!uflorida decvax!ucf-cs}
10501 Drummond Rd.     |         !ki4pv!cdis-1!cdin-1!fred
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