Terminal and printer on 1 modem

Fred Rump fred at cdin-1.uucp
Sat Dec 24 02:53:47 AEST 1988

In article <88 at cdin-1.uucp>, fred at cdin-1.uucp (Fred Rump) writes:
-  In article <178 at loft386.UUCP- , sdg at loft386.UUCP (Steve Goodrich) writes:
-  ,-  I have an interesting problem:  I need a way to use both a printer
-  ,-  and a terminal on one modem.  Multiplexers and stat-muxes are too
-    [stuff deleted]
-  ,-  In order to do this, she needs to have both a printer and a terminal at
-  ,-  home.
-  ,- 
-  ,-  I think that
-  ,-  there must be a better answer, though.  In my mind, a person should be
-  ,-  able to live with only having to purchase two modems and one phone line.
-  ,-  Therefore, I'd like to solicit your help:  you've seen my problem.  Can
-  ,-  you help me find a way to get her a terminal and a printer at home with
-  ,-  only one modem?  I'll take all the help I can get.
-  Well this is an easy one. Anybody ever hear of transparent printing?
-  We use it all the time at terminals in house. The customer would have a bunch
-  of terminals scattered all over a building or set of buildings. Rather than
-  have users climb all over themselves to get to a central printer, they have a
-  little cheapy right at their terminal plugged into the aux port.
-  Arnet and others have available transparent printing drivers that share the
-  one line while the SLOW user types at his station the printer gets plenty of
-  spare time to print at the same time.
-  I would suggest you give your local Arnet vendor a call. You do need the smart
-  card though. I suppose nobody buys the dumn one anymore.
-  fred rump
After I wrote this last night I had second thoughts. Maybe you need a special
cabling arrangement that can't be used via modem. Checking here at the office
this morning reveals that we've used a small multiplexor/modem arrangement for
this type of thing. Perhaps others have some input?   
-  --
-  Fred Rump, Pres.       | UUCP: {rutgers,cbmvax,bellcore}!bpa!cdin-1!fred
-  CompuData, Inc.        |  or ...{allegra killer gatech!uflorida decvax!ucf-cs}
-  10501 Drummond Rd.     |         !ki4pv!cdis-1!cdin-1!fred
-  Philadelphia, Pa. 19154|  or ...!bikini.cis.ufl.edu!ki4pv!cdis-1!cdin-1!fred

Fred Rump, Pres.       | UUCP: {rutgers,cbmvax,bellcore}!bpa!cdin-1!fred
CompuData, Inc.        |  or ...{allegra killer gatech!uflorida decvax!ucf-cs}
10501 Drummond Rd.     |         !ki4pv!cdis-1!cdin-1!fred
Philadelphia, Pa. 19154|  or ...!bikini.cis.ufl.edu!ki4pv!cdis-1!cdin-1!fred

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