SCO Xenix System Hang

Paul De Bra debra at alice.UUCP
Sun Dec 11 14:21:19 AEST 1988

In article <766 at wasatch.UUCP> at wasatch.UUCP (Robert R. Kessler) writes:
>We are having problems with SCO 386 Xenix and are looking for some help.
>Here is the scenario:
> [scenario about a system slowly dying (or hanging) deleted]

This story sounds like it is a memory allocation problem. I looks like the
program is slowly but surely allocating more and more memory. The system
then needs more and more time to free up memory for additional processes.

My suggestion: Let all 6 users start working and then perform a "ps -el"
about every 5 minutes and watch the size of the program. It may not even
take 3 hours to reach the problem as the system will now have the additional
problem of finding memory to run the ps as well.

|debra at   | uunet!research!debra     |

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