VT100 termcap extras

Arthur David Olson ado at elsie.UUCP
Tue Feb 16 07:47:03 AEST 1988

In article <152 at mkunix.DEC.COM>, tyager at mkunix.DEC.COM (Tom Yager) writes:
> I added the following entries the the standard SCO termcap entry for the
> VT100. I've tested them and checked DEC documentation to see if these
> features are also available for the real VT100: they are. Your terminal
> may require delay settings on some of these. Here's the new entries:
>    al=\E[L:dl=\E[M:dc=\E[P:im=\E[4h:ei=\E[4l:mi:

Nope; VT100s do *not* have add and delete line capabilities.  I both checked
the documentation and went over to the VT100 in the next room to verify that
documentation matched reality.  (VT102s are, of coures, another story.)

To duplicate the test: 
	* find yourself a Digital-Equipment-Corporation-built VT100
	* go into SET-UP mode
	* put the terminal in LOCAL mode
	* get out of SET-UP mode
	* type
		<ESC> # 8
	  to fill the screen with capital Es
	* Move the cursor to the middle of the screen
	* and type
		<ESC> [ L
	  and note that no blank line appears.
ado at vax2.nlm.nih.gov		ADO, VAX, and NIH are Ampex and DEC trademarks

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