XENIX 386 ESDI Crash

Mark Dornfeld romwa at gpu.utcs.toronto.edu
Wed Mar 23 09:35:26 AEST 1988

 	>I had some real problems putting an OMTI 8620 and a CDC WREN III
>drive in a Wyse 386.  Sometimes it would boot and sometimes it would hang.
>SCO suggested jumpering W20.  The manual indicates it as reserved and 
>OMTI says that its only there for another version of the prom.  Since I

All the documentation that I have indicates that 20 should be
jumpered to show the controller that there is an ESDI drive
present.  This is what the WREN III is, isn't it?

I just installed the same disk and 20 is jumpered.

Mark T. Dornfeld
Royal Ontario Museum
100 Queens Park
Toronto, Ontario, CANADA
M5S 2C6

mark at utgpu!rom      - or -     romwa at utgpu

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