XENIX 386 ESDI Crash

Robert Kenyon rob at dhw68k.cts.com
Sat Mar 19 16:04:53 AEST 1988

 	I had some real problems putting an OMTI 8620 and a CDC WREN III
drive in a Wyse 386.  Sometimes it would boot and sometimes it would hang.
SCO suggested jumpering W20.  The manual indicates it as reserved and 
OMTI says that its only there for another version of the prom.  Since I
put it on though, I haven't had problems since.  I wish I knew why.  Any

	If you have any strange devices, tape drives I/O boards... Check
your addresses and interrupts.  It appears that some things are not 
mentioned.  Until I sat down and was careful (Deciphered the Cipher tape
manual.  Here's the trick.  The address switches are upside down and 
bit 1 is dropped.  If you look at the manual you will understand.)  I 
couldn't get it to boot.  The driver would load but the drive would hang.
And all I did was use interrupt 2.  I thought it would be safer than 5 

	Any suggestions?


I once was here but now I'm not.  And no one's gonna pin it on me...
Robert Kenyon - {trwrb,hplabs}!felix!dhw68k!rob - InterNet: rob at dhw68k.cts.com

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