Multiple screens and terminals...

William R. Pearson wrp at
Wed Mar 2 03:24:26 AEST 1988

>>>There are eight screens available via <Alt> <Fn> key sequence for the
>>>console.  How can I get extra screens on my terminals too???
>System V supports shl layers which provide virtually the same functionality.
>Shl layrers work on terminals and over dial-up lines.

	I do not wish to sound unkind, but shl is a joke.  On my
xenix console, I can run ANY program, except the CGI (Computer Graphics
Interface) stuff, press ALT-F1-4, and get to another screen.  With shl,
I cannot ^Z out of emacs, cu, rn, or who knows what else.  This is quite
different from BSD Unix, where ^Z works virtually anywhere.

	shl is a poor substitute for the multiscreen on the Xenix console
or BSD job control.

Bill Pearson
wrp at virginia

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