Xenix 2.2.2 cron/crontab not working

Mike Maloney mike at ISIDAPS5.UUCP
Tue Oct 25 23:45:17 AEST 1988

Has anyone else had problems getting the Xenix 2.2.2 (I'm running on
a NEC Powermate 386) crontab to work?  My situation is as follows:

1. I loaded the following commands via the crontab command:
	31 9 * * * echo "Doing expire..." | mail super
	32 9 * * * (/usr/lib/news/expire -p; echo "expire done" | mail super)

2. /usr/lib/cron/cron.allow does not exist.
3. /usr/lib/cron/cron.deny exists but is empty.
4. cron is indeed running.  I see it on the 'ps'.

At 9:31 AM every morning 'super' should get mail that says "Doing expire...".
At 9:32 the expire program should run and then I get more mail.  Right??
I get nothing.  I have to run expire by hand.  Frequently the disk fills up
on weekends.  

Please tell me what I'm doing wrong, or whether something is wrong with
SCO's cron (SCO are you listening?).
Mike Maloney				"That's like saying 'if we had
Integral Systems, Inc.			 eggs we could have bacon and eggs
Lanham, Maryland 20706			 if we had bacon'" - Sid
(301) 731-4233 ext. 165

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