Call to one site brings Xenix down, others ok.

Every system needs one terry at wsccs.UUCP
Sat Oct 22 17:51:45 AEST 1988

In article <267 at oha.UUCP>, tony at oha.UUCP (Tony Olekshy) writes:
> We are running Xenix V 2.1.3 on a blue AT with an old Consensys multiport card
                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> and a Packard Bell PB2400PLUS.  I have no trouble calling any of a dozen
> sites, except for my mail feed, the University of Alberta.  Of course, the U
> has all kinds of other callers who have no problem.
> On about 1 of every 10 calls to alberta, I get a carrier and the AT comes to a
> screaming halt.  Nada.  The other 9 times it connects and runs ok at 1200 bps,
> but they are both 2400 bps modems.  If I try at 2400 only about one of three
> calls gets connected

Answer #1:

	Driver version mismatch.  Using a Xenix 2.2.0 or greater driver with
a pre 2.2.0 Xenix or vice-versa is a no-no.

	SCO changed the size of the CLIST struct when it changed from
2.1.3 to 2.2.0.

	Call concensus and verify your drivers.  This problem occurs with
ALL 'intelligent' I/O boars using DMA to blow data directly into the CLISTs.

Answer #2:

	If a "blue AT" is a fast, old box (16-20MgHZ 386 or 12-16MgHZ 286)
then you MUST use update 'K' of 2.1.3.

Answer #3:	(best bet)

	Update your Xenix and drivers to the most recent matched versions.
Not only will your system now work, but you will cure some fairly serious
bugs involving modem-control ports, the partial open hack, and Xenix 2.1.3.

| Terry Lambert           UUCP: ...{ decvax, ihnp4 } ...utah-cs!century!terry |
| @ Century Software        OR: ...utah-cs!uplherc!sp7040!obie!wsccs!terry    |
| SLC, Utah                                                                   |
|                   These opinions are not my companies, but if you find them |
|                   useful, send a $20.00 donation to Brisbane Australia...   |
|                   'I have an eight user poetic liscence' - me               |

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