Trouble with modem control

Jonathan Bayer jbayer at ispi.UUCP
Tue Mar 14 02:36:12 AEST 1989

In article <15656 at> Zap at (Tim Philip Cadell) writes:
}I have a problem with my modem: I have been using it with "enable tty1a"
}which, as I found out recently, doesn't have modem control and the
}system doesn't automatically logout if I get disconnected.  Well, in order
}to use "ungetty" (I'm starting to use usenet now and need to dial out on
}that port) I have to have the enable/disable attached to port tty1A.
}My problem is this: anytime the modem receives a ring, it displays a
}system message like this "garbage or loose connection on serial port 0;
}disabling port" or something like that and then it apparently ungettys

It depends what kind of modem you are using.  Assuming a 2400 Hayes
compatible, the command:


will tell the modem to not transmit any messages, and will keep the OS
from getting confused.  There are other causes of this problem, but try
this first.  It is the simplest.


Jonathan Bayer			      Beware: The light at the end of the
Intelligent Software Products, Inc.	      tunnel may be an oncoming dragon
19 Virginia Ave.				...uunet!ispi!jbayer
Rockville Centre, NY 11570  (516) 766-2867    jbayer at ispi.UUCP

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