LaTeX for Xenix (1 of 14)

G Geers glenn at
Fri Feb 16 10:32:26 AEST 1990

---- Cut Here and unpack ----
# shar:	Shell Archiver  (v1.22)
# This is part 1 of a multipart archive                                    
# do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh        
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	  BIG.shr1
#	  BIGG.shr1
#	  CONTENTS.tex
#	  JOY
#	  Makefile
#	  SMALL.shr1
#	  align.c
#	  align.h
#	  arith.c
#	  arith.h
#	  box.c
#	  box.h
#	  boxlists.c
#	  boxlists.h
#	  char.c
#	  char.h
#	  cmds.c
#	  cmds.h
#	  cond.c
#	  cond.h
#	  ctexbugs
#	  def.c
#	  def.h
#	  dvi.c
#	  dvi.h
#	  eq.c
#	  eq.h
#	  eqstack.c
#	  eqstack.h
#	  error.c
#	  error.h
#	  eval.c
#	  eval.h
#	  evalstack.c
#	  evalstack.h
#	  expand.c
#	  expand.h
#	  file.c
#	  file.h
#	  fmt.c
#	  fmt.h
#	  hash.c
#	  hash.h
#	  heap.c
#	  heap.h
#	  hyph.c
#	  hyph.h
#	  io.c
#	  io.h
#	  math.c
#	  math.h
#	  mathlists.c
#	  mathlists.h
#	  mklog
#	  mlist-hlist.c
#	  mlist-hlist.h
#	  pack.c
#	  pack.h
#	  page.c
#	  page.h
#	  par.c
#	  par.h
#	  print.c
#	  print.h
#	  scan.c
#	  scan.h
#	  str.c
#	  str.h
#	  tex.1
#	  tex.c
#	  tex.h
#	  texext.c
#	  texext.h
#	  tfm.c
#	  tfm.h
#	  tfms.c
#	  token.c
#	  token.h
#	  tokenlists.c
#	  tokenlists.h
#	  tokenstack.c
#	  tokenstack.h
if test -r s2_seq_.tmp
then echo "Must unpack archives in sequence!"
     next=`cat s2_seq_.tmp`; echo "Please unpack part $next next"
     exit 1; fi
echo "x - extracting BIG.shr1 (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > BIG.shr1 &&
X# to extract, remove the header and type "sh filename"
Xif `test ! -d ./BIG`
X  mkdir ./BIG
X  echo "mkdir ./BIG"
Xif `test ! -d ./BIG/INIT`
X  mkdir ./BIG/INIT
X  echo "mkdir ./BIG/INIT"
Xif `test ! -s ./BIG/INIT/Makefile`
Xecho "writing ./BIG/INIT/Makefile"
Xcat > ./BIG/INIT/Makefile << '\Rogue\Monster\'
X#  Pehong Chen, University of California, Berkeley (phc at
X#      modified for distribution, monardo at
XVPATH         = ..
XDEST	      = /usr/local
XMANDIR	      = /usr/man/manl
XMANUAL	      =
XHDRS	      = align.h \
X		arith.h \
X		box.h \
X		boxlists.h \
X		char.h \
X		cmds.h \
X		cond.h \
X		def.h \
X		dvi.h \
X		eq.h \
X		eqstack.h \
X		error.h \
X		eval.h \
X		evalstack.h \
X		expand.h \
X		file.h \
X		fmt.h \
X		hash.h \
X		heap.h \
X		hyph.h \
X		io.h \
X		math.h \
X		mathlists.h \
X		mlist-hlist.h \
X		pack.h \
X		page.h \
X		par.h \
X		print.h \
X		scan.h \
X		str.h \
X		tex.h \
X		texext.h \
X		tfm.h \
X		token.h \
X		tokenlists.h \
X		tokenstack.h
X# Option for compiling SUN 68010 code with a 68020 CPU
X68010CFLAGS   = -m68010 -L/usr.MC68010/lib -Qpath /usr.MC68010/cstart
X# 16-bit word
X#CFLAGS	      = -O -DINIT
X#CFLAGS	      = -O -DINIT $(68010CFLAGS)
X# 32-bit word
X#CFLAGS	      = -O -DINIT -DBIG $(68010CFLAGS)
X# 64-bit word
X#CFLAGS	      = -O -DINIT -DBIGG $(68010CFLAGS)
XLIBS	      =
XLINKER	      = cc
XMAKEFILE      = Makefile
XOBJS	      = align.o \
X		arith.o \
X		box.o \
X		boxlists.o \
X		char.o \
X		cmds.o \
X		cond.o \
X		def.o \
X		dvi.o \
X		eq.o \
X		eqstack.o \
X		error.o \
X		eval.o \
X		evalstack.o \
X		expand.o \
X		file.o \
X		fmt.o \
X		hash.o \
X		heap.o \
X		hyph.o \
X		io.o \
X		math.o \
X		mathlists.o \
X		mlist-hlist.o \
X		pack.o \
X		page.o \
X		par.o \
X		print.o \
X		scan.o \
X		str.o \
X		tex.o \
X		texext.o \
X		tfm.o \
X		token.o \
X		tokenlists.o \
X		tokenstack.o
XPRINT	      = tgrind -c
XPROGRAM	      = initex
XSRCS	      = align.c \
X		arith.c \
X		box.c \
X		boxlists.c \
X		char.c \
X		cmds.c \
X		cond.c \
X		def.c \
X		dvi.c \
X		eq.c \
X		eqstack.c \
X		error.c \
X		eval.c \
X		evalstack.c \
X		expand.c \
X		file.c \
X		fmt.c \
X		hash.c \
X		heap.c \
X		hyph.c \
X		io.c \
X		math.c \
X		mathlists.c \
X		mlist-hlist.c \
X		pack.c \
X		page.c \
X		par.c \
X		print.c \
X		scan.c \
X		str.c \
X		tex.c \
X		texext.c \
X		tfm.c \
X		token.c \
X		tokenlists.c \
X		tokenstack.c
X$(PROGRAM):     $(OBJS)
X		@rm -f $(PROGRAM)
X		@size $(PROGRAM)
Xinstall:	$(PROGRAM)
X		install -c -s -m 0755 $(PROGRAM) $(DEST)
X		@ls -lgs $(DEST)/$(PROGRAM)
Xclean:;		@rm -f $(OBJS) core $(PROGRAM) *.out
Xdepend:;	@rm -f .#*.[chly]
Xindex:;		@ctags -wx $(HDRS) $(SRCS)
Xprint:;		@$(PRINT) $(HDRS) $(SRCS)
Xprogram:        $(PROGRAM)
Xtags:           $(HDRS) $(SRCS); @ctags $(HDRS) $(SRCS)
Xupdate:		$(DEST)/$(PROGRAM)
X		@make -f $(MAKEFILE) DEST=$(DEST) install
Xalign.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h arith.h eq.h eqstack.h hash.h \
X	token.h tokenstack.h scan.h evalstack.h box.h pack.h math.h \
X	mlist-hlist.h error.h align.h
Xarith.o: tex.h print.h arith.h
Xbox.o: tex.h texext.h arith.h heap.h char.h str.h \
X	eq.h hash.h tfm.h print.h math.h box.h tokenlists.h
Xboxlists.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h eqstack.h def.h box.h \
X	tokenstack.h token.h scan.h tokenlists.h evalstack.h tfm.h pack.h \
X	page.h math.h io.h print.h error.h boxlists.h
Xchar.o: tex.h char.h
Xcmds.o: tex.h texext.h heap.h eq.h eqstack.h str.h \
X	hash.h token.h tokenlists.h tokenstack.h scan.h evalstack.h def.h \
X	cond.h expand.h box.h boxlists.h tfm.h math.h mathlists.h align.h \
X	error.h print.h cmds.h
Xcond.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h box.h eq.h eqstack.h hash.h \
X	token.h tokenlists.h scan.h tokenstack.h evalstack.h file.h print.h \
X	error.h cond.h
Xdef.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h io.h eq.h hash.h eqstack.h \
X	evalstack.h token.h scan.h tokenstack.h expand.h arith.h str.h \
X	box.h boxlists.h tokenlists.h file.h tfm.h dvi.h page.h print.h \
X	error.h def.h
Xdvi.o: tex.h texext.h heap.h str.h io.h eq.h box.h \
X	scan.h tfm.h file.h pack.h print.h error.h dvi.h 
Xeq.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h char.h hash.h box.h print.h \
X	error.h eq.h 
Xeqstack.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h token.h tokenstack.h \
X	tokenlists.h print.h error.h eqstack.h
Xerror.o: tex.h tokenstack.h token.h eq.h io.h print.h \
X	error.h str.h 
Xeval.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h char.h tfm.h eq.h eqstack.h \
X	hash.h token.h scan.h tokenstack.h evalstack.h box.h boxlists.h \
X	math.h mathlists.h cond.h def.h dvi.h pack.h page.h par.h print.h \
X	error.h eval.h
Xevalstack.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h tokenstack.h eq.h box.h \
X	page.h print.h error.h evalstack.h
Xexpand.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h io.h eq.h hash.h box.h \
X	tokenstack.h scan.h token.h tokenlists.h cond.h file.h print.h \
X	error.h expand.h
Xfile.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h char.h eq.h token.h scan.h \
X	tokenstack.h str.h fmt.h io.h print.h error.h file.h 
Xfmt.o: tex.h texext.h heap.h token.h eq.h box.h \
X	eqstack.h hash.h file.h tfm.h str.h hyph.h io.h print.h error.h \
X	fmt.h
Xhash.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h box.h scan.h eq.h io.h math.h \
X	boxlists.h str.h error.h hash.h
Xheap.o: tex.h eq.h arith.h box.h token.h tokenlists.h \
X	evalstack.h par.h page.h print.h error.h heap.h
Xhyph.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h token.h eq.h str.h tfm.h \
X	box.h scan.h tokenstack.h par.h print.h error.h hyph.h
Xio.o: tex.h char.h tokenstack.h print.h io.h 
Xmath.o: tex.h heap.h eq.h scan.h evalstack.h arith.h \
X	str.h box.h tfm.h print.h pack.h math.h
Xmathlists.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h arith.h eq.h eqstack.h \
X	evalstack.h token.h tokenstack.h scan.h tfm.h box.h pack.h math.h \
X	mlist-hlist.h par.h page.h print.h error.h mathlists.h
Xmlist-hlist.o: tex.h heap.h arith.h scan.h eq.h box.h math.h \
X	pack.h tfm.h print.h error.h mlist-hlist.h
Xpack.o: tex.h heap.h arith.h scan.h tokenstack.h eq.h \
X	eqstack.h evalstack.h box.h tfm.h dvi.h print.h error.h pack.h
Xpage.o: tex.h heap.h arith.h tokenstack.h tokenlists.h \
X	eq.h eqstack.h evalstack.h scan.h expand.h box.h pack.h par.h math.h \
X	dvi.h print.h error.h page.h
Xpar.o: tex.h heap.h arith.h eq.h tfm.h tokenstack.h \
X	evalstack.h box.h pack.h hyph.h print.h error.h par.h
Xprint.o: tex.h texext.h eq.h char.h str.h io.h print.h
Xscan.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h arith.h eq.h token.h \
X	tokenstack.h evalstack.h char.h str.h box.h expand.h tfm.h dvi.h \
X	print.h error.h page.h scan.h
Xstr.o: tex.h io.h file.h error.h str.h
Xtex.o: tex.h texext.h cmds.h heap.h char.h str.h eq.h \
X	hash.h evalstack.h eqstack.h tokenstack.h token.h box.h pack.h cond.h \
X	io.h file.h tfm.h hyph.h dvi.h fmt.h error.h print.h page.h 
Xtexext.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h hash.h token.h box.h \
X	scan.h def.h tokenstack.h tokenlists.h evalstack.h io.h str.h \
X	file.h dvi.h print.h error.h texext.h
Xtfm.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h arith.h eq.h hash.h box.h \
X	scan.h token.h tokenstack.h io.h file.h print.h error.h tfm.h
Xtoken.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h hash.h scan.h io.h \
X	char.h box.h cond.h print.h error.h expand.h align.h tokenstack.h \
X	token.h
Xtokenlists.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h hash.h str.h box.h \
X	token.h expand.h tokenstack.h io.h scan.h def.h file.h tfm.h print.h \
X	error.h tokenlists.h
Xtokenstack.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h def.h char.h io.h \
X	token.h tokenlists.h box.h print.h error.h tokenstack.h
X  echo "will not over write ./BIG/INIT/Makefile"
Xif `test ! -d ./BIG/VIR`
X  mkdir ./BIG/VIR
X  echo "mkdir ./BIG/VIR"
Xif `test ! -s ./BIG/VIR/Makefile`
Xecho "writing ./BIG/VIR/Makefile"
Xcat > ./BIG/VIR/Makefile << '\Rogue\Monster\'
X#  Pehong Chen, University of California, Berkeley (phc at
X#      modified for distribution, monardo at
XVPATH         = ..
XDEST	      = /usr/local
XMANDIR	      = /usr/man/manl
XMANUAL	      =
XHDRS	      = align.h \
X		arith.h \
X		box.h \
X		boxlists.h \
X		char.h \
X		cmds.h \
X		cond.h \
X		def.h \
X		dvi.h \
X		eq.h \
X		eqstack.h \
X		error.h \
X		eval.h \
X		evalstack.h \
X		expand.h \
X		file.h \
X		fmt.h \
X		hash.h \
X		heap.h \
X		hyph.h \
X		io.h \
X		math.h \
X		mathlists.h \
X		mlist-hlist.h \
X		pack.h \
X		page.h \
X		par.h \
X		print.h \
X		scan.h \
X		str.h \
X		tex.h \
X		texext.h \
X		tfm.h \
X		token.h \
X		tokenlists.h \
X		tokenstack.h
X# Option for compiling SUN 68010 code with a 68020 CPU
X68010CFLAGS   = -m68010 -L/usr.MC68010/lib -Qpath /usr.MC68010/cstart
X# 16-bit word
X#CFLAGS	      = -O
X#CFLAGS	      = -O $(68010CFLAGS)
X# 32-bit word
XCFLAGS	      = -O -DBIG
X#CFLAGS	      = -O -DBIG $(68010CFLAGS)
X# 64-bit word
X#CFLAGS	      = -O -DBIGG
X#CFLAGS	      = -O -DBIGG $(68010CFLAGS)
XLIBS	      =
XLINKER	      = cc
XMAKEFILE      = Makefile
XOBJS	      = align.o \
X		arith.o \
X		box.o \
X		boxlists.o \
X		char.o \
X		cmds.o \
X		cond.o \
X		def.o \
X		dvi.o \
X		eq.o \
X		eqstack.o \
X		error.o \
X		eval.o \
X		evalstack.o \
X		expand.o \
X		file.o \
X		fmt.o \
X		hash.o \
X		heap.o \
X		hyph.o \
X		io.o \
X		math.o \
X		mathlists.o \
X		mlist-hlist.o \
X		pack.o \
X		page.o \
X		par.o \
X		print.o \
X		scan.o \
X		str.o \
X		tex.o \
X		texext.o \
X		tfm.o \
X		token.o \
X		tokenlists.o \
X		tokenstack.o
XPRINT	      = tgrind -c
XPROGRAM	      = virtex
XSRCS	      = align.c \
X		arith.c \
X		box.c \
X		boxlists.c \
X		char.c \
X		cmds.c \
X		cond.c \
X		def.c \
X		dvi.c \
X		eq.c \
X		eqstack.c \
X		error.c \
X		eval.c \
X		evalstack.c \
X		expand.c \
X		file.c \
X		fmt.c \
X		hash.c \
X		heap.c \
X		hyph.c \
X		io.c \
X		math.c \
X		mathlists.c \
X		mlist-hlist.c \
X		pack.c \
X		page.c \
X		par.c \
X		print.c \
X		scan.c \
X		str.c \
X		tex.c \
X		texext.c \
X		tfm.c \
X		token.c \
X		tokenlists.c \
X		tokenstack.c
X$(PROGRAM):     $(OBJS)
X		@rm -f $(PROGRAM)
X		@size $(PROGRAM)
Xinstall:	$(PROGRAM)
X		install -c -s -m 0755 $(PROGRAM) $(DEST)
X		@ls -lgs $(DEST)/$(PROGRAM)
Xclean:;		@rm -f $(OBJS) core $(PROGRAM) *.out
Xdepend:;	@rm -f .#*.[chly]
Xindex:;		@ctags -wx $(HDRS) $(SRCS)
Xprint:;		@$(PRINT) $(HDRS) $(SRCS)
Xprogram:        $(PROGRAM)
Xtags:           $(HDRS) $(SRCS); @ctags $(HDRS) $(SRCS)
Xupdate:		$(DEST)/$(PROGRAM)
X		@make -f $(MAKEFILE) DEST=$(DEST) install
Xalign.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h arith.h eq.h eqstack.h hash.h \
X	token.h tokenstack.h scan.h evalstack.h box.h pack.h math.h \
X	mlist-hlist.h error.h align.h
Xarith.o: tex.h print.h arith.h
Xbox.o: tex.h texext.h arith.h heap.h char.h str.h \
X	eq.h hash.h tfm.h print.h math.h box.h tokenlists.h
Xboxlists.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h eqstack.h def.h box.h \
X	tokenstack.h token.h scan.h tokenlists.h evalstack.h tfm.h pack.h \
X	page.h math.h io.h print.h error.h boxlists.h
Xchar.o: tex.h char.h
Xcmds.o: tex.h texext.h heap.h eq.h eqstack.h str.h \
X	hash.h token.h tokenlists.h tokenstack.h scan.h evalstack.h def.h \
X	cond.h expand.h box.h boxlists.h tfm.h math.h mathlists.h align.h \
X	error.h print.h cmds.h
Xcond.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h box.h eq.h eqstack.h hash.h \
X	token.h tokenlists.h scan.h tokenstack.h evalstack.h file.h print.h \
X	error.h cond.h
Xdef.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h io.h eq.h hash.h eqstack.h \
X	evalstack.h token.h scan.h tokenstack.h expand.h arith.h str.h \
X	box.h boxlists.h tokenlists.h file.h tfm.h dvi.h page.h print.h \
X	error.h def.h
Xdvi.o: tex.h texext.h heap.h str.h io.h eq.h box.h \
X	scan.h tfm.h file.h pack.h print.h error.h dvi.h 
Xeq.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h char.h hash.h box.h print.h \
X	error.h eq.h 
Xeqstack.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h token.h tokenstack.h \
X	tokenlists.h print.h error.h eqstack.h
Xerror.o: tex.h tokenstack.h token.h eq.h io.h print.h \
X	error.h str.h 
Xeval.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h char.h tfm.h eq.h eqstack.h \
X	hash.h token.h scan.h tokenstack.h evalstack.h box.h boxlists.h \
X	math.h mathlists.h cond.h def.h dvi.h pack.h page.h par.h print.h \
X	error.h eval.h
Xevalstack.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h tokenstack.h eq.h box.h \
X	page.h print.h error.h evalstack.h
Xexpand.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h io.h eq.h hash.h box.h \
X	tokenstack.h scan.h token.h tokenlists.h cond.h file.h print.h \
X	error.h expand.h
Xfile.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h char.h eq.h token.h scan.h \
X	tokenstack.h str.h fmt.h io.h print.h error.h file.h 
Xfmt.o: tex.h texext.h heap.h token.h eq.h box.h \
X	eqstack.h hash.h file.h tfm.h str.h hyph.h io.h print.h error.h \
X	fmt.h
Xhash.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h box.h scan.h eq.h io.h math.h \
X	boxlists.h str.h error.h hash.h
Xheap.o: tex.h eq.h arith.h box.h token.h tokenlists.h \
X	evalstack.h par.h page.h print.h error.h heap.h
Xhyph.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h token.h eq.h str.h tfm.h \
X	box.h scan.h tokenstack.h par.h print.h error.h hyph.h
Xio.o: tex.h char.h tokenstack.h print.h io.h 
Xmath.o: tex.h heap.h eq.h scan.h evalstack.h arith.h \
X	str.h box.h tfm.h print.h pack.h math.h
Xmathlists.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h arith.h eq.h eqstack.h \
X	evalstack.h token.h tokenstack.h scan.h tfm.h box.h pack.h math.h \
X	mlist-hlist.h par.h page.h print.h error.h mathlists.h
Xmlist-hlist.o: tex.h heap.h arith.h scan.h eq.h box.h math.h \
X	pack.h tfm.h print.h error.h mlist-hlist.h
Xpack.o: tex.h heap.h arith.h scan.h tokenstack.h eq.h \
X	eqstack.h evalstack.h box.h tfm.h dvi.h print.h error.h pack.h
Xpage.o: tex.h heap.h arith.h tokenstack.h tokenlists.h \
X	eq.h eqstack.h evalstack.h scan.h expand.h box.h pack.h par.h math.h \
X	dvi.h print.h error.h page.h
Xpar.o: tex.h heap.h arith.h eq.h tfm.h tokenstack.h \
X	evalstack.h box.h pack.h hyph.h print.h error.h par.h
Xprint.o: tex.h texext.h eq.h char.h str.h io.h print.h
Xscan.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h arith.h eq.h token.h \
X	tokenstack.h evalstack.h char.h str.h box.h expand.h tfm.h dvi.h \
X	print.h error.h page.h scan.h
Xstr.o: tex.h io.h file.h error.h str.h
Xtex.o: tex.h texext.h cmds.h heap.h char.h str.h eq.h \
X	hash.h evalstack.h eqstack.h tokenstack.h token.h box.h pack.h cond.h \
X	io.h file.h tfm.h hyph.h dvi.h fmt.h error.h print.h page.h 
Xtexext.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h hash.h token.h box.h \
X	scan.h def.h tokenstack.h tokenlists.h evalstack.h io.h str.h \
X	file.h dvi.h print.h error.h texext.h
Xtfm.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h arith.h eq.h hash.h box.h \
X	scan.h token.h tokenstack.h io.h file.h print.h error.h tfm.h
Xtoken.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h hash.h scan.h io.h \
X	char.h box.h cond.h print.h error.h expand.h align.h tokenstack.h \
X	token.h
Xtokenlists.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h hash.h str.h box.h \
X	token.h expand.h tokenstack.h io.h scan.h def.h file.h tfm.h print.h \
X	error.h tokenlists.h
Xtokenstack.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h def.h char.h io.h \
X	token.h tokenlists.h box.h print.h error.h tokenstack.h
X  echo "will not over write ./BIG/VIR/Makefile"
Xecho "Finished archive 1 of 1"
chmod 0444 BIG.shr1 || echo "restore of BIG.shr1 fails"
set `wc -c BIG.shr1`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "14734"
then echo original size 14734, current size $Sum;fi
echo "x - extracting BIGG.shr1 (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > BIGG.shr1 &&
X# to extract, remove the header and type "sh filename"
Xif `test ! -d ./BIGG`
X  mkdir ./BIGG
X  echo "mkdir ./BIGG"
Xif `test ! -d ./BIGG/INIT`
X  mkdir ./BIGG/INIT
X  echo "mkdir ./BIGG/INIT"
Xif `test ! -s ./BIGG/INIT/Makefile`
Xecho "writing ./BIGG/INIT/Makefile"
Xcat > ./BIGG/INIT/Makefile << '\Rogue\Monster\'
X#  Pehong Chen, University of California, Berkeley (phc at
X#      modified for distribution, monardo at
XVPATH         = ..
XDEST	      = /usr/local
XMANDIR	      = /usr/man/manl
XMANUAL	      =
XHDRS	      = align.h \
X		arith.h \
X		box.h \
X		boxlists.h \
X		char.h \
X		cmds.h \
X		cond.h \
X		def.h \
X		dvi.h \
X		eq.h \
X		eqstack.h \
X		error.h \
X		eval.h \
X		evalstack.h \
X		expand.h \
X		file.h \
X		fmt.h \
X		hash.h \
X		heap.h \
X		hyph.h \
X		io.h \
X		math.h \
X		mathlists.h \
X		mlist-hlist.h \
X		pack.h \
X		page.h \
X		par.h \
X		print.h \
X		scan.h \
X		str.h \
X		tex.h \
X		texext.h \
X		tfm.h \
X		token.h \
X		tokenlists.h \
X		tokenstack.h
X# Option for compiling SUN 68010 code with a 68020 CPU
X68010CFLAGS   = -m68010 -L/usr.MC68010/lib -Qpath /usr.MC68010/cstart
X# 16-bit word
X#CFLAGS	      = -O -DINIT
X#CFLAGS	      = -O -DINIT $(68010CFLAGS)
X# 32-bit word
X#CFLAGS	      = -O -DINIT -DBIG $(68010CFLAGS)
X# 64-bit word
X#CFLAGS	      = -O -DINIT -DBIGG $(68010CFLAGS)
XLIBS	      =
XLINKER	      = cc
XMAKEFILE      = Makefile
XOBJS	      = align.o \
X		arith.o \
X		box.o \
X		boxlists.o \
X		char.o \
X		cmds.o \
X		cond.o \
X		def.o \
X		dvi.o \
X		eq.o \
X		eqstack.o \
X		error.o \
X		eval.o \
X		evalstack.o \
X		expand.o \
X		file.o \
X		fmt.o \
X		hash.o \
X		heap.o \
X		hyph.o \
X		io.o \
X		math.o \
X		mathlists.o \
X		mlist-hlist.o \
X		pack.o \
X		page.o \
X		par.o \
X		print.o \
X		scan.o \
X		str.o \
X		tex.o \
X		texext.o \
X		tfm.o \
X		token.o \
X		tokenlists.o \
X		tokenstack.o
XPRINT	      = tgrind -c
XPROGRAM	      = initex
XSRCS	      = align.c \
X		arith.c \
X		box.c \
X		boxlists.c \
X		char.c \
X		cmds.c \
X		cond.c \
X		def.c \
X		dvi.c \
X		eq.c \
X		eqstack.c \
X		error.c \
X		eval.c \
X		evalstack.c \
X		expand.c \
X		file.c \
X		fmt.c \
X		hash.c \
X		heap.c \
X		hyph.c \
X		io.c \
X		math.c \
X		mathlists.c \
X		mlist-hlist.c \
X		pack.c \
X		page.c \
X		par.c \
X		print.c \
X		scan.c \
X		str.c \
X		tex.c \
X		texext.c \
X		tfm.c \
X		token.c \
X		tokenlists.c \
X		tokenstack.c
X$(PROGRAM):     $(OBJS)
X		@rm -f $(PROGRAM)
X		@size $(PROGRAM)
Xinstall:	$(PROGRAM)
X		install -c -s -m 0755 $(PROGRAM) $(DEST)
X		@ls -lgs $(DEST)/$(PROGRAM)
Xclean:;		@rm -f $(OBJS) core $(PROGRAM) *.out
Xdepend:;	@rm -f .#*.[chly]
Xindex:;		@ctags -wx $(HDRS) $(SRCS)
Xprint:;		@$(PRINT) $(HDRS) $(SRCS)
Xprogram:        $(PROGRAM)
Xtags:           $(HDRS) $(SRCS); @ctags $(HDRS) $(SRCS)
Xupdate:		$(DEST)/$(PROGRAM)
X		@make -f $(MAKEFILE) DEST=$(DEST) install
Xalign.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h arith.h eq.h eqstack.h hash.h \
X	token.h tokenstack.h scan.h evalstack.h box.h pack.h math.h \
X	mlist-hlist.h error.h align.h
Xarith.o: tex.h print.h arith.h
Xbox.o: tex.h texext.h arith.h heap.h char.h str.h \
X	eq.h hash.h tfm.h print.h math.h box.h tokenlists.h
Xboxlists.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h eqstack.h def.h box.h \
X	tokenstack.h token.h scan.h tokenlists.h evalstack.h tfm.h pack.h \
X	page.h math.h io.h print.h error.h boxlists.h
Xchar.o: tex.h char.h
Xcmds.o: tex.h texext.h heap.h eq.h eqstack.h str.h \
X	hash.h token.h tokenlists.h tokenstack.h scan.h evalstack.h def.h \
X	cond.h expand.h box.h boxlists.h tfm.h math.h mathlists.h align.h \
X	error.h print.h cmds.h
Xcond.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h box.h eq.h eqstack.h hash.h \
X	token.h tokenlists.h scan.h tokenstack.h evalstack.h file.h print.h \
X	error.h cond.h
Xdef.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h io.h eq.h hash.h eqstack.h \
X	evalstack.h token.h scan.h tokenstack.h expand.h arith.h str.h \
X	box.h boxlists.h tokenlists.h file.h tfm.h dvi.h page.h print.h \
X	error.h def.h
Xdvi.o: tex.h texext.h heap.h str.h io.h eq.h box.h \
X	scan.h tfm.h file.h pack.h print.h error.h dvi.h 
Xeq.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h char.h hash.h box.h print.h \
X	error.h eq.h 
Xeqstack.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h token.h tokenstack.h \
X	tokenlists.h print.h error.h eqstack.h
Xerror.o: tex.h tokenstack.h token.h eq.h io.h print.h \
X	error.h str.h 
Xeval.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h char.h tfm.h eq.h eqstack.h \
X	hash.h token.h scan.h tokenstack.h evalstack.h box.h boxlists.h \
X	math.h mathlists.h cond.h def.h dvi.h pack.h page.h par.h print.h \
X	error.h eval.h
Xevalstack.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h tokenstack.h eq.h box.h \
X	page.h print.h error.h evalstack.h
Xexpand.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h io.h eq.h hash.h box.h \
X	tokenstack.h scan.h token.h tokenlists.h cond.h file.h print.h \
X	error.h expand.h
Xfile.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h char.h eq.h token.h scan.h \
X	tokenstack.h str.h fmt.h io.h print.h error.h file.h 
Xfmt.o: tex.h texext.h heap.h token.h eq.h box.h \
X	eqstack.h hash.h file.h tfm.h str.h hyph.h io.h print.h error.h \
X	fmt.h
Xhash.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h box.h scan.h eq.h io.h math.h \
X	boxlists.h str.h error.h hash.h
Xheap.o: tex.h eq.h arith.h box.h token.h tokenlists.h \
X	evalstack.h par.h page.h print.h error.h heap.h
Xhyph.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h token.h eq.h str.h tfm.h \
X	box.h scan.h tokenstack.h par.h print.h error.h hyph.h
Xio.o: tex.h char.h tokenstack.h print.h io.h 
Xmath.o: tex.h heap.h eq.h scan.h evalstack.h arith.h \
X	str.h box.h tfm.h print.h pack.h math.h
Xmathlists.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h arith.h eq.h eqstack.h \
X	evalstack.h token.h tokenstack.h scan.h tfm.h box.h pack.h math.h \
X	mlist-hlist.h par.h page.h print.h error.h mathlists.h
Xmlist-hlist.o: tex.h heap.h arith.h scan.h eq.h box.h math.h \
X	pack.h tfm.h print.h error.h mlist-hlist.h
Xpack.o: tex.h heap.h arith.h scan.h tokenstack.h eq.h \
X	eqstack.h evalstack.h box.h tfm.h dvi.h print.h error.h pack.h
Xpage.o: tex.h heap.h arith.h tokenstack.h tokenlists.h \
X	eq.h eqstack.h evalstack.h scan.h expand.h box.h pack.h par.h math.h \
X	dvi.h print.h error.h page.h
Xpar.o: tex.h heap.h arith.h eq.h tfm.h tokenstack.h \
X	evalstack.h box.h pack.h hyph.h print.h error.h par.h
Xprint.o: tex.h texext.h eq.h char.h str.h io.h print.h
Xscan.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h arith.h eq.h token.h \
X	tokenstack.h evalstack.h char.h str.h box.h expand.h tfm.h dvi.h \
X	print.h error.h page.h scan.h
Xstr.o: tex.h io.h file.h error.h str.h
Xtex.o: tex.h texext.h cmds.h heap.h char.h str.h eq.h \
X	hash.h evalstack.h eqstack.h tokenstack.h token.h box.h pack.h cond.h \
X	io.h file.h tfm.h hyph.h dvi.h fmt.h error.h print.h page.h 
Xtexext.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h hash.h token.h box.h \
X	scan.h def.h tokenstack.h tokenlists.h evalstack.h io.h str.h \
X	file.h dvi.h print.h error.h texext.h
Xtfm.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h arith.h eq.h hash.h box.h \
X	scan.h token.h tokenstack.h io.h file.h print.h error.h tfm.h
Xtoken.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h hash.h scan.h io.h \
X	char.h box.h cond.h print.h error.h expand.h align.h tokenstack.h \
X	token.h
Xtokenlists.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h hash.h str.h box.h \
X	token.h expand.h tokenstack.h io.h scan.h def.h file.h tfm.h print.h \
X	error.h tokenlists.h
Xtokenstack.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h def.h char.h io.h \
X	token.h tokenlists.h box.h print.h error.h tokenstack.h
X  echo "will not over write ./BIGG/INIT/Makefile"
Xif `test ! -d ./BIGG/VIR`
X  mkdir ./BIGG/VIR
X  echo "mkdir ./BIGG/VIR"
Xif `test ! -s ./BIGG/VIR/Makefile`
Xecho "writing ./BIGG/VIR/Makefile"
Xcat > ./BIGG/VIR/Makefile << '\Rogue\Monster\'
X#  Pehong Chen, University of California, Berkeley (phc at
X#      modified for distribution, monardo at
XVPATH         = ..
XDEST	      = /usr/local
XMANDIR	      = /usr/man/manl
XMANUAL	      =
XHDRS	      = align.h \
X		arith.h \
X		box.h \
X		boxlists.h \
X		char.h \
X		cmds.h \
X		cond.h \
X		def.h \
X		dvi.h \
X		eq.h \
X		eqstack.h \
X		error.h \
X		eval.h \
X		evalstack.h \
X		expand.h \
X		file.h \
X		fmt.h \
X		hash.h \
X		heap.h \
X		hyph.h \
X		io.h \
X		math.h \
X		mathlists.h \
X		mlist-hlist.h \
X		pack.h \
X		page.h \
X		par.h \
X		print.h \
X		scan.h \
X		str.h \
X		tex.h \
X		texext.h \
X		tfm.h \
X		token.h \
X		tokenlists.h \
X		tokenstack.h
X# Option for compiling SUN 68010 code with a 68020 CPU
X68010CFLAGS   = -m68010 -L/usr.MC68010/lib -Qpath /usr.MC68010/cstart
X# 16-bit word
X#CFLAGS	      = -O
X#CFLAGS	      = -O -DINIT $(68010CFLAGS)
X# 32-bit word
X#CFLAGS	      = -O -DBIG
X#CFLAGS	      = -O -DINIT -DBIG $(68010CFLAGS)
X# 64-bit word
X#CFLAGS	      = -O -DINIT -DBIGG $(68010CFLAGS)
XLIBS	      =
XLINKER	      = cc
XMAKEFILE      = Makefile
XOBJS	      = align.o \
X		arith.o \
X		box.o \
X		boxlists.o \
X		char.o \
X		cmds.o \
X		cond.o \
X		def.o \
X		dvi.o \
X		eq.o \
X		eqstack.o \
X		error.o \
X		eval.o \
X		evalstack.o \
X		expand.o \
X		file.o \
X		fmt.o \
X		hash.o \
X		heap.o \
X		hyph.o \
X		io.o \
X		math.o \
X		mathlists.o \
X		mlist-hlist.o \
X		pack.o \
X		page.o \
X		par.o \
X		print.o \
X		scan.o \
X		str.o \
X		tex.o \
X		texext.o \
X		tfm.o \
X		token.o \
X		tokenlists.o \
X		tokenstack.o
XPRINT	      = tgrind -c
XPROGRAM	      = virtex
XSRCS	      = align.c \
X		arith.c \
X		box.c \
X		boxlists.c \
X		char.c \
X		cmds.c \
X		cond.c \
X		def.c \
X		dvi.c \
X		eq.c \
X		eqstack.c \
X		error.c \
X		eval.c \
X		evalstack.c \
X		expand.c \
X		file.c \
X		fmt.c \
X		hash.c \
X		heap.c \
X		hyph.c \
X		io.c \
X		math.c \
X		mathlists.c \
X		mlist-hlist.c \
X		pack.c \
X		page.c \
X		par.c \
X		print.c \
X		scan.c \
X		str.c \
X		tex.c \
X		texext.c \
X		tfm.c \
X		token.c \
X		tokenlists.c \
X		tokenstack.c
X$(PROGRAM):     $(OBJS)
X		@rm -f $(PROGRAM)
X		@size $(PROGRAM)
Xinstall:	$(PROGRAM)
X		install -c -s -m 0755 $(PROGRAM) $(DEST)
X		@ls -lgs $(DEST)/$(PROGRAM)
Xclean:;		@rm -f $(OBJS) core $(PROGRAM) *.out
Xdepend:;	@rm -f .#*.[chly]
Xindex:;		@ctags -wx $(HDRS) $(SRCS)
Xprint:;		@$(PRINT) $(HDRS) $(SRCS)
Xprogram:        $(PROGRAM)
Xtags:           $(HDRS) $(SRCS); @ctags $(HDRS) $(SRCS)
Xupdate:		$(DEST)/$(PROGRAM)
X		@make -f $(MAKEFILE) DEST=$(DEST) install
Xalign.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h arith.h eq.h eqstack.h hash.h \
X	token.h tokenstack.h scan.h evalstack.h box.h pack.h math.h \
X	mlist-hlist.h error.h align.h
Xarith.o: tex.h print.h arith.h
Xbox.o: tex.h texext.h arith.h heap.h char.h str.h \
X	eq.h hash.h tfm.h print.h math.h box.h tokenlists.h
Xboxlists.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h eqstack.h def.h box.h \
X	tokenstack.h token.h scan.h tokenlists.h evalstack.h tfm.h pack.h \
X	page.h math.h io.h print.h error.h boxlists.h
Xchar.o: tex.h char.h
Xcmds.o: tex.h texext.h heap.h eq.h eqstack.h str.h \
X	hash.h token.h tokenlists.h tokenstack.h scan.h evalstack.h def.h \
X	cond.h expand.h box.h boxlists.h tfm.h math.h mathlists.h align.h \
X	error.h print.h cmds.h
Xcond.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h box.h eq.h eqstack.h hash.h \
X	token.h tokenlists.h scan.h tokenstack.h evalstack.h file.h print.h \
X	error.h cond.h
Xdef.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h io.h eq.h hash.h eqstack.h \
X	evalstack.h token.h scan.h tokenstack.h expand.h arith.h str.h \
X	box.h boxlists.h tokenlists.h file.h tfm.h dvi.h page.h print.h \
X	error.h def.h
Xdvi.o: tex.h texext.h heap.h str.h io.h eq.h box.h \
X	scan.h tfm.h file.h pack.h print.h error.h dvi.h 
Xeq.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h char.h hash.h box.h print.h \
X	error.h eq.h 
Xeqstack.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h token.h tokenstack.h \
X	tokenlists.h print.h error.h eqstack.h
Xerror.o: tex.h tokenstack.h token.h eq.h io.h print.h \
X	error.h str.h 
Xeval.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h char.h tfm.h eq.h eqstack.h \
X	hash.h token.h scan.h tokenstack.h evalstack.h box.h boxlists.h \
X	math.h mathlists.h cond.h def.h dvi.h pack.h page.h par.h print.h \
X	error.h eval.h
Xevalstack.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h tokenstack.h eq.h box.h \
X	page.h print.h error.h evalstack.h
Xexpand.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h io.h eq.h hash.h box.h \
X	tokenstack.h scan.h token.h tokenlists.h cond.h file.h print.h \
X	error.h expand.h
Xfile.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h char.h eq.h token.h scan.h \
X	tokenstack.h str.h fmt.h io.h print.h error.h file.h 
Xfmt.o: tex.h texext.h heap.h token.h eq.h box.h \
X	eqstack.h hash.h file.h tfm.h str.h hyph.h io.h print.h error.h \
X	fmt.h
Xhash.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h box.h scan.h eq.h io.h math.h \
X	boxlists.h str.h error.h hash.h
Xheap.o: tex.h eq.h arith.h box.h token.h tokenlists.h \
X	evalstack.h par.h page.h print.h error.h heap.h
Xhyph.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h token.h eq.h str.h tfm.h \
X	box.h scan.h tokenstack.h par.h print.h error.h hyph.h
Xio.o: tex.h char.h tokenstack.h print.h io.h 
Xmath.o: tex.h heap.h eq.h scan.h evalstack.h arith.h \
X	str.h box.h tfm.h print.h pack.h math.h
Xmathlists.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h arith.h eq.h eqstack.h \
X	evalstack.h token.h tokenstack.h scan.h tfm.h box.h pack.h math.h \
X	mlist-hlist.h par.h page.h print.h error.h mathlists.h
Xmlist-hlist.o: tex.h heap.h arith.h scan.h eq.h box.h math.h \
X	pack.h tfm.h print.h error.h mlist-hlist.h
Xpack.o: tex.h heap.h arith.h scan.h tokenstack.h eq.h \
X	eqstack.h evalstack.h box.h tfm.h dvi.h print.h error.h pack.h
Xpage.o: tex.h heap.h arith.h tokenstack.h tokenlists.h \
X	eq.h eqstack.h evalstack.h scan.h expand.h box.h pack.h par.h math.h \
X	dvi.h print.h error.h page.h
Xpar.o: tex.h heap.h arith.h eq.h tfm.h tokenstack.h \
X	evalstack.h box.h pack.h hyph.h print.h error.h par.h
Xprint.o: tex.h texext.h eq.h char.h str.h io.h print.h
Xscan.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h arith.h eq.h token.h \
X	tokenstack.h evalstack.h char.h str.h box.h expand.h tfm.h dvi.h \
X	print.h error.h page.h scan.h
Xstr.o: tex.h io.h file.h error.h str.h
Xtex.o: tex.h texext.h cmds.h heap.h char.h str.h eq.h \
X	hash.h evalstack.h eqstack.h tokenstack.h token.h box.h pack.h cond.h \
X	io.h file.h tfm.h hyph.h dvi.h fmt.h error.h print.h page.h 
Xtexext.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h hash.h token.h box.h \
X	scan.h def.h tokenstack.h tokenlists.h evalstack.h io.h str.h \
X	file.h dvi.h print.h error.h texext.h
Xtfm.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h arith.h eq.h hash.h box.h \
X	scan.h token.h tokenstack.h io.h file.h print.h error.h tfm.h
Xtoken.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h hash.h scan.h io.h \
X	char.h box.h cond.h print.h error.h expand.h align.h tokenstack.h \
X	token.h
Xtokenlists.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h hash.h str.h box.h \
X	token.h expand.h tokenstack.h io.h scan.h def.h file.h tfm.h print.h \
X	error.h tokenlists.h
Xtokenstack.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h def.h char.h io.h \
X	token.h tokenlists.h box.h print.h error.h tokenstack.h
X  echo "will not over write ./BIGG/VIR/Makefile"
Xecho "Finished archive 1 of 1"
chmod 0444 BIGG.shr1 || echo "restore of BIGG.shr1 fails"
set `wc -c BIGG.shr1`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "14779"
then echo original size 14779, current size $Sum;fi
echo "x - extracting CONTENTS.tex (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > CONTENTS.tex &&
chmod 0444 CONTENTS.tex || echo "restore of CONTENTS.tex fails"
set `wc -c CONTENTS.tex`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "0"
then echo original size 0, current size $Sum;fi
echo "x - extracting COPYING (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > COPYING &&
X*                                                                       *
X*    Common TeX is an Electric Planet Production                        *
X*                                                                       *
X*        Copyright (C) 1986, 1987  Pat Joseph Monardo                   *
X*                                                                       *
X*                                                                       *
X*  Permission is hereby granted to make and distribute verbatim copies  *
X*  of this program provided that the copyright notice and this          *
X*  permission notice are preserved and provided that the recipient is   *
X*  not asked to waive or limit his right to redistribute copies as      *
X*  allowed by this permission notice and provided that anyone who       *
X*  receives an executable form of this program is granted access to a   *
X*  machine-readable form of the source code for this program at a       *
X*  cost not greater than reasonable reproduction, shipping, and         *
X*  handling costs.  Executable forms of this program distributed        *
X*  without the source code must be accompanied by a conspicuous copy    *
X*  of this permission notice and a statement that tells the recipient   *
X*  how to obtain the source code.                                       *
X*                                                                       *
X*  Permission is granted to distribute modified versions of all or      *
X*  part of this program under the conditions above with the additional  *
X*  requirement that the entire modified work must be covered by a       *
X*  permission notice identical to this permission notice.  Anything     *
X*  distributed with and usable only in conjunction with something       *
X*  derived from this program, whose useful purpose is to extend or      *
X*  adapt or add capabilities to this program, is to be considered a     *
X*  modified version of this program under the requirement above.        *
X*                                                                       *
X*  This program is distributed with no warranty of any sort.  No        *
X*  contributor accepts responsibility for the consequences of using     *
X*  this program or for whether it serves any particular purpose.        *
X*                                                                       *
chmod 0444 COPYING || echo "restore of COPYING fails"
set `wc -c COPYING`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "2517"
then echo original size 2517, current size $Sum;fi
echo "x - extracting JOY (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > JOY &&
XCommon TeX is dedicated to the memory of my mother,  
Xwho passed away before this work could be completed.
XShe allowed me to live a free spirit.
XCertainly this program would not exist otherwise.
chmod 0444 JOY || echo "restore of JOY fails"
set `wc -c JOY`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "197"
then echo original size 197, current size $Sum;fi
echo "x - extracting Makefile (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > Makefile &&
X#  Pehong Chen, University of California, Berkeley (phc at
X#      modified for distribution, monardo at
XVPATH         = ..
XDEST	      = /usr/local
XMANDIR	      = /usr/man/manl
XMANUAL	      =
XHDRS	      = align.h \
X		arith.h \
X		box.h \
X		boxlists.h \
X		char.h \
X		cmds.h \
X		cond.h \
X		def.h \
X		dvi.h \
X		eq.h \
X		eqstack.h \
X		error.h \
X		eval.h \
X		evalstack.h \
X		expand.h \
X		file.h \
X		fmt.h \
X		hash.h \
X		heap.h \
X		hyph.h \
X		io.h \
X		math.h \
X		mathlists.h \
X		mlist-hlist.h \
X		pack.h \
X		page.h \
X		par.h \
X		print.h \
X		scan.h \
X		str.h \
X		tex.h \
X		texext.h \
X		tfm.h \
X		token.h \
X		tokenlists.h \
X		tokenstack.h
X# Option for compiling SUN 68010 code with a 68020 CPU
X68010CFLAGS   = -m68010 -L/usr.MC68010/lib -Qpath /usr.MC68010/cstart
X# 16-bit word
X#CFLAGS	      = -O
X#CFLAGS	      = -O $(68010CFLAGS)
X# 32-bit word
XCFLAGS	      = -O -DBIG
X#CFLAGS	      = -O -DBIG $(68010CFLAGS)
X# 64-bit word
X#CFLAGS	      = -O -DBIGG
X#CFLAGS	      = -O -DBIGG $(68010CFLAGS)
XLIBS	      =
XLINKER	      = cc
XMAKEFILE      = Makefile
XOBJS	      = align.o \
X		arith.o \
X		box.o \
X		boxlists.o \
X		char.o \
X		cmds.o \
X		cond.o \
X		def.o \
X		dvi.o \
X		eq.o \
X		eqstack.o \
X		error.o \
X		eval.o \
X		evalstack.o \
X		expand.o \
X		file.o \
X		fmt.o \
X		hash.o \
X		heap.o \
X		hyph.o \
X		io.o \
X		math.o \
X		mathlists.o \
X		mlist-hlist.o \
X		pack.o \
X		page.o \
X		par.o \
X		print.o \
X		scan.o \
X		str.o \
X		tex.o \
X		texext.o \
X		tfm.o \
X		token.o \
X		tokenlists.o \
X		tokenstack.o
XPRINT	      = tgrind -c
XPROGRAM	      = virtex
XSRCS	      = align.c \
X		arith.c \
X		box.c \
X		boxlists.c \
X		char.c \
X		cmds.c \
X		cond.c \
X		def.c \
X		dvi.c \
X		eq.c \
X		eqstack.c \
X		error.c \
X		eval.c \
X		evalstack.c \
X		expand.c \
X		file.c \
X		fmt.c \
X		hash.c \
X		heap.c \
X		hyph.c \
X		io.c \
X		math.c \
X		mathlists.c \
X		mlist-hlist.c \
X		pack.c \
X		page.c \
X		par.c \
X		print.c \
X		scan.c \
X		str.c \
X		tex.c \
X		texext.c \
X		tfm.c \
X		token.c \
X		tokenlists.c \
X		tokenstack.c
X$(PROGRAM):     $(OBJS)
X		@rm -f $(PROGRAM)
X		@size $(PROGRAM)
Xinstall:	$(PROGRAM)
X		install -c -s -m 0755 $(PROGRAM) $(DEST)
X		@ls -lgs $(DEST)/$(PROGRAM)
Xclean:;		@rm -f $(OBJS) core $(PROGRAM) *.out
Xdepend:;	@rm -f .#*.[chly]
Xindex:;		@ctags -wx $(HDRS) $(SRCS)
Xprint:;		@$(PRINT) $(HDRS) $(SRCS)
Xprogram:        $(PROGRAM)
Xtags:           $(HDRS) $(SRCS); @ctags $(HDRS) $(SRCS)
Xupdate:		$(DEST)/$(PROGRAM)
X		@make -f $(MAKEFILE) DEST=$(DEST) install
Xalign.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h arith.h eq.h eqstack.h hash.h \
X	token.h tokenstack.h scan.h evalstack.h box.h pack.h math.h \
X	mlist-hlist.h error.h align.h
Xarith.o: tex.h print.h arith.h
Xbox.o: tex.h texext.h arith.h heap.h char.h str.h \
X	eq.h hash.h tfm.h print.h math.h box.h tokenlists.h
Xboxlists.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h eqstack.h def.h box.h \
X	tokenstack.h token.h scan.h tokenlists.h evalstack.h tfm.h pack.h \
X	page.h math.h io.h print.h error.h boxlists.h
Xchar.o: tex.h char.h
Xcmds.o: tex.h texext.h heap.h eq.h eqstack.h str.h \
X	hash.h token.h tokenlists.h tokenstack.h scan.h evalstack.h def.h \
X	cond.h expand.h box.h boxlists.h tfm.h math.h mathlists.h align.h \
X	error.h print.h cmds.h
Xcond.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h box.h eq.h eqstack.h hash.h \
X	token.h tokenlists.h scan.h tokenstack.h evalstack.h file.h print.h \
X	error.h cond.h
Xdef.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h io.h eq.h hash.h eqstack.h \
X	evalstack.h token.h scan.h tokenstack.h expand.h arith.h str.h \
X	box.h boxlists.h tokenlists.h file.h tfm.h dvi.h page.h print.h \
X	error.h def.h
Xdvi.o: tex.h texext.h heap.h str.h io.h eq.h box.h \
X	scan.h tfm.h file.h pack.h print.h error.h dvi.h 
Xeq.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h char.h hash.h box.h print.h \
X	error.h eq.h 
Xeqstack.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h token.h tokenstack.h \
X	tokenlists.h print.h error.h eqstack.h
Xerror.o: tex.h tokenstack.h token.h eq.h io.h print.h \
X	error.h str.h 
Xeval.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h char.h tfm.h eq.h eqstack.h \
X	hash.h token.h scan.h tokenstack.h evalstack.h box.h boxlists.h \
X	math.h mathlists.h cond.h def.h dvi.h pack.h page.h par.h print.h \
X	error.h eval.h
Xevalstack.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h tokenstack.h eq.h box.h \
X	page.h print.h error.h evalstack.h
Xexpand.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h io.h eq.h hash.h box.h \
X	tokenstack.h scan.h token.h tokenlists.h cond.h file.h print.h \
X	error.h expand.h
Xfile.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h char.h eq.h token.h scan.h \
X	tokenstack.h str.h fmt.h io.h print.h error.h file.h 
Xfmt.o: tex.h texext.h heap.h token.h eq.h box.h \
X	eqstack.h hash.h file.h tfm.h str.h hyph.h io.h print.h error.h \
X	fmt.h
Xhash.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h box.h scan.h eq.h io.h math.h \
X	boxlists.h str.h error.h hash.h
Xheap.o: tex.h eq.h arith.h box.h token.h tokenlists.h \
X	evalstack.h par.h page.h print.h error.h heap.h
Xhyph.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h token.h eq.h str.h tfm.h \
X	box.h scan.h tokenstack.h par.h print.h error.h hyph.h
Xio.o: tex.h char.h tokenstack.h print.h io.h 
Xmath.o: tex.h heap.h eq.h scan.h evalstack.h arith.h \
X	str.h box.h tfm.h print.h pack.h math.h
Xmathlists.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h arith.h eq.h eqstack.h \
X	evalstack.h token.h tokenstack.h scan.h tfm.h box.h pack.h math.h \
X	mlist-hlist.h par.h page.h print.h error.h mathlists.h
Xmlist-hlist.o: tex.h heap.h arith.h scan.h eq.h box.h math.h \
X	pack.h tfm.h print.h error.h mlist-hlist.h
Xpack.o: tex.h heap.h arith.h scan.h tokenstack.h eq.h \
X	eqstack.h evalstack.h box.h tfm.h dvi.h print.h error.h pack.h
Xpage.o: tex.h heap.h arith.h tokenstack.h tokenlists.h \
X	eq.h eqstack.h evalstack.h scan.h expand.h box.h pack.h par.h math.h \
X	dvi.h print.h error.h page.h
Xpar.o: tex.h heap.h arith.h eq.h tfm.h tokenstack.h \
X	evalstack.h box.h pack.h hyph.h print.h error.h par.h
Xprint.o: tex.h texext.h eq.h char.h str.h io.h print.h
Xscan.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h arith.h eq.h token.h \
X	tokenstack.h evalstack.h char.h str.h box.h expand.h tfm.h dvi.h \
X	print.h error.h page.h scan.h
Xstr.o: tex.h io.h file.h error.h str.h
Xtex.o: tex.h texext.h cmds.h heap.h char.h str.h eq.h \
X	hash.h evalstack.h eqstack.h tokenstack.h token.h box.h pack.h cond.h \
X	io.h file.h tfm.h hyph.h dvi.h fmt.h error.h print.h page.h 
Xtexext.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h hash.h token.h box.h \
X	scan.h def.h tokenstack.h tokenlists.h evalstack.h io.h str.h \
X	file.h dvi.h print.h error.h texext.h
Xtfm.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h arith.h eq.h hash.h box.h \
X	scan.h token.h tokenstack.h io.h file.h print.h error.h tfm.h
Xtoken.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h hash.h scan.h io.h \
X	char.h box.h cond.h print.h error.h expand.h align.h tokenstack.h \
X	token.h
Xtokenlists.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h hash.h str.h box.h \
X	token.h expand.h tokenstack.h io.h scan.h def.h file.h tfm.h print.h \
X	error.h tokenlists.h
Xtokenstack.o: tex.h cmds.h heap.h eq.h def.h char.h io.h \
X	token.h tokenlists.h box.h print.h error.h tokenstack.h
chmod 0444 Makefile || echo "restore of Makefile fails"
set `wc -c Makefile`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "6993"
then echo original size 6993, current size $Sum;fi
echo "x - extracting README (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > README &&
XThis is the common TeX for PCAT's,SUNS,VAXEN,3B,etc.
XUnder UNIX, Makefiles control everything.
XFor DOS, I have provided two batch files for making initex and virtex.
XHowever, replace tex.h with tex.doc found in INIT.
XTeX will look for files of three types:
Xtext files, font files, and format files.
XFormats files are the files ending in .fmt
Xwhich are generated by a \dump command (see the TeXbook).
XFont files end in .tfm. And text files end in .tex,
Xbut TeX will input files of any extension including
Xthe null extension.
XTo use the path searching facility, set environment variables:
Xset texformats=/tex/lib:.
Xset texinputs=/tex/lib:.
Xset texfonts=/tex/tfm:.
XNotice that everything is still as they were inherited
Xfrom UNIX. I have not bothered to change to DOS pathnames.
XUnfortunately this means you cant specify file system prefixes
X(e.g. c:) in pathnames. I will tell you how to do this if
Xyou need to. (I am working on it) Contact me.
XAlso be sure to include . in the pathlist.
XUpdate: I think the subst command will alleviate the problem...
XThere was a delay of two weeks in which I couldnt
Xtest TeX due to lack of a working dvi printer. Sorry.
XI have spent considerable effort examing the torture
Xtest results and am confident that it will perform well.
XStill it is a very new program. Let me know of any problems.
XYou can reach me at (415) 327 - 8114 after 10:00AM till whenever.
XMy address remains
echo "End of part 1"
echo "File README is continued in part 2"
echo "2" > s2_seq_.tmp
exit 0

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