An Editor for SCO Xenix 2.3.2

John Palmer cat at tygra.UUCP
Mon Mar 12 02:34:55 AEST 1990

I'm running a computer conferencing system here and am in need of
a version of vi for which the source is available. The problem with
VI as it stands now is that it allows:
    1> shell escapes
    2> the ability to read in text from another file
    3> the ability to write text to a file other than the file with
       which vi was invoked.
    4> the ability to completly switch files.
This is a grave security loophole that I want to eliminate, but I must have
the source code. If there are other editors that are similar to vi, or
even a little more user-friendly, and if the sources are available for
them, then mayby I'll switch. 

Thanks in advance
John Palmer
E-MAIL: jpp%tygra.uucp at

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