News Software on the 11/23

Wegeng.Henr at XEROX.ARPA Wegeng.Henr at XEROX.ARPA
Mon Apr 23 23:13:00 AEST 1984

From:  Don Wegeng <Wegeng.Henr at XEROX.ARPA>

If your version of Unix has the capability to overlay user programs try
that method.  I got an earlier version of news to run on an 11/34
running Xenix with this method.  When I first compiled the code I would
get core dumps, which revealed (via adb) that many of the automatic
variables in the routine which crashed were not being saved on the
stack, which I interpreted to mean that the top was being blown off the
stack.  Thru several iterations I was able to make it work by declaring
lots of variables (especially arrays) static.  I realize that this can
be dangerous if the code is recursive, but there wasn't much else to do.

I guess that the authors didn't intend for this code to run on a small
11.  Maybe the next version of news will be more portable.

Don Wegeng
Xerox, Webster NY

Wegeng.Henr at Xerox.ARPA

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