XENIX cu bugs

bam at NOSC.ARPA bam at NOSC.ARPA
Wed Sep 5 02:40:12 AEST 1984

For the most part, cu works fine, and on the Tandy version of Xenix
cu works as well. BUT the redirect to a file name works only
if you imbed the ~>filename  in the file you want to download.
It will not work if typed from the console.  I use 'take' if I'm
connected to another UNIX machine.

As far as other bugs with the Xenix version, your system must be
*very* quiet or in single user mode in order to download large
files without dropping characters.  No flow control is supported
(or works).  Rumor is that Tandy will be delivering the upgrade
supporting X-ON/X-OFF in a newer version soon, but it was not
delivered in the 1.3.2 upgrade.

Bret Marquis

(sdcsvax, ihnp4)!bang!bam
bang!bam at NOSC

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