
Jon Campbell jcampbell at mrfort.DEC
Thu Aug 8 07:18:38 AEST 1985

Thanks for all your input. By the way, I want to make it clear
that I am NOT speaking for the ULTRIX group, which is many miles
from where I work here in Marlboro, nor am I implying that Digital
was considering making changes to its ULTRIX kernel to
solve the "problem" I think I identified.
I think I now understand the aversion to "out-of-band data" expressed
by many of you in your replies. It creates all sorts of complexities
which the UNIX kernel has avoided by its simplicity. What I
needed was some feedback from real UNIX users and wizards about how I
might solve a theoretical issue, namely, the building of "smarter"
language runtime libraries and data manipulation systems, and you
provided a wealth of information for that purpose.
					Thanks again,
					Jon Campbell

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