plot(3X) on other terminals?

Janet unfres at hscfvax.UUCP
Wed Dec 4 04:57:36 AEST 1985

	I am trying to use the plot(3X) graphics library on the Vax.  I
would like to load my program with the device-independent plot library (-lplot)
and then run it with a filter specific to my terminal, e.g.,

		cc -o program program.c -lplot
		program | plot -Ttermtype

as described in the UNIX manual (BSD 4.2).
	My problem is that there are only four or five different terminals for 
which filters are provided, none of which I have.  Specifically, I would like
to run my program using an IBM PC/XT or a DEC Professional as my terminal.  Does
anyone know of additional plot filters or device-specific plot libraries that
are compatible with plot(3X)?

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