Shells, features and interaction

Joseph S. D. Yao jsdy at hadron.UUCP
Thu Nov 28 16:15:18 AEST 1985

In article <3387 at brl-tgr.ARPA> gwyn at brl-tgr.ARPA (Doug Gwyn <gwyn>) writes:
>I hope to post a public domain implementation of "seq" (which
>Rob called "loop" in his example) soon.  Stay tuned.

You mean this?

/* #include <local.h> */

** loop -- do a quick FORTRAN-style (ech) numeric loop
** Syntax:
**	loop [ start [ end [ incr ] ] ]
** Copyright and Disclaimers:
**	Who cares?  It's past midnight.  Have a ball.
** Description:
**	This is a program that really counts.
#ifdef	SCCS
** Last modified %G% %U%.  Last retrieved %H% %T%.
# else
** $Log:$
#endif	SCCS
** Author:
**	Joseph S. D. Yao
**	Engineering and Information Systems Division
**	Hadron, Inc.
**	9990 Lee Highway
**	Fairfax VA  22030
**	(703) 359-6163
** Routines:
**	main(argc, argv, envp)

#ifndef	lint
# ifdef SCCS
  static char SCCS_id[] = "%W%";
#  else
  static char RCS_id[] =
# endif	SCCS
#endif	lint

main(argc, argv, envp)
  int argc;
  char **argv;
  char **envp;
	register int var, end, incr;

#ifdef	lint
	argv = envp;
#endif	lint
	var = end = incr = 1;

	/* Arg 1: start value for var. */
	if (--argc > 0)
		var = atoi(*++argv);

	/* Arg 2: end value for var. */
	if (--argc > 0)
		end = atoi(*++argv);

	/* Arg 3: increment for var. */
	if (--argc > 0)
		incr = atoi(*++argv);

	/* A zero increment could take a while. */
	if (incr == 0)
		incr = 1;

	** Different tests are used if incr < 0 or > 0.
	** This coding is for speed, not program size.
	if (incr < 0) {
		while (var >= end) {
			printf("%d\n", var);
			var += incr;
	} else {
		while (var <= end) {
			printf("%d\n", var);
			var += incr;


	Joe Yao		hadron!jsdy at seismo.{CSS.GOV,ARPA,UUCP}

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