Lisp for 3b's

Scott Dorsey kludge at gitpyr.UUCP
Wed Jun 4 07:36:58 AEST 1986

>In article <615 at wg3b20.UUCP> narayan at wg3b20.UUCP writes:
>Has anyone heard about LISP for the AT&T 3b
>machines. Any info in this area is appreceated
   XLISP 1.6 runs beautifully on the 3b20's and 3b2's with no modification.
It's not the largest LISP, it doesn't have the best debugging system, but
you can't beat it for the price.
Disclaimer: Everything I say is probably a trademark of someone.  But
            don't worry, I probably don't know what I'm talking about.

Scott Dorsey       " If value corrupts
kaptain_kludge         then absolute value corrupts absolutely"

ICS Programming Lab (Where old terminals go to die), Rich 110,
Georgia Institute of Technology, Box 36681, Atlanta, Georgia 30332

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