WANTED: Xenix, ESIX, or anything of the like

Christopher Lau lauch at cpsc.ucalgary.ca
Sun Oct 8 05:53:24 AEST 1989


A while back I asked if it was possible to get the missing digit off the
serial # of a QNX dev system that I inherited from a friend (disk label torn)
from the software (encoded on disk??).  I haven't received any replies, but
I have an urgent need for some sort of Unix or unix-like multitasking OS for
my 386.  Therefore I'm appealing to anyone out there who has anything of the
sort (386 Xenix (Any brand, MS, SCO, I don't care), QNX version 2.11 or later
(my old 1.1 won't run on an AT or 386), ESIX or ENIX, Interactive 386/ix) that
they would want to get rid of rather quickly.

It must be a legal version, current or not, as long as it can be updated.  I
require at least a C compiler with it, and UUCP would be nice, but not a
requirement.  It should be a 386 native version, but even if yours ISN'T a
386 version, let me know the following:

	o Brand and version #
	o Approx date purchased (year will be fine)
	o is it updatable from the publisher
	o What it includes (dev system, OS only, etc)
	o What hardware it will run on (if you know)

Christopher Lau
NovAtel Communications Ltd.

This account dies on Sept. 5 (machine being decommissioned) so please:
1- Send E-mail to CYLau at UNCAMULT.BITNET
2- Post your replies
3- Call me at: (403) 295 4580 (work, I'll accept collect calls here)
	   or  (403) 243 7249 (Home, you pay all the way)

Please help out a desparate man...  sell me your Unix system!!!!

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