Summary setting RS232 port to 8 bits on Tek 4301 (mod 4.2 BSD)

Jeff Miller jeff at
Wed Nov 21 11:04:25 AEST 1990

	In BSD 4.3 it is very easy to do.  Simply set the c_cflag,
to CS8 (meaning character size = 8).  The c_cflag is in the termio.h
header and is easy to set using ioctl.  Unfortunately, some of the
modified versions of BSD do not have the same structures or flags.
For a Tektronix running a modified version of 4.2 BSD the structure
is called "sgttyb" found in the sgtty.h header.  The flags are named
"sg_flags" but they do not have a flag for 7 or 8 bit character size.
It appears that you can either get 7 bit characters with parity or
you can opt for 8 bit characters with no parity.  To set it to 8 bits,
no parity I received two suggestions.  Set the RAW option on the sg_flags
or set the LITOUT (Literal Output) option, also in the sg_flags.  However,
for some applications, including mine, you need 8 bits and a parity bit.
As far as I know this is impossible on the 4.2 BSD modified by Tektronix,
and may be impossible on other machines as well.  I hope someone can prove
me wrong in this information.

If you know of anything else I can try to set 8 bit, even parity email me:
		jeff at        Thanks.

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