Sorting algorithms...

Rick Ward ward at eplrx7.UUCP
Fri Aug 19 01:46:33 AEST 1988

[request for sorting algorithms, preferably in C :-) ]

	I hope you are not a computer science student.  Any self respecting
computer scientist would know where to look for these algorithms.

Try D.E. Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming Vol. 3 "Sorting and Searching"
or any of the other standard computer algorithm texts.  Also, most books on C
include at least one sorting algorithm in them(commonly merge sort or

    Rick Ward                         |        E.I. Dupont Co.
    uunet!eplrx7!ward                 |        Engineering Physics Lab
    (302) 695-7395                    |        Wilmington, Delaware 19898
                                      |        Mail Stop: E357-302

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