Sorting algorithms...

Michael J. Steiner U23405 at UICVM
Tue Aug 16 10:33:13 AEST 1988

I have heard of many types of sorting alorithms (such as insertion,
merge, selection, shell, and quick) (I'm not even mentioning bubble sort

I already have the algorithms for insertion sort and selecton sort. Could
anyone send me the algorthms, explanations of them, where to find the
algorithms, or where to find explanations of them? (I am also interested
in statistics about these sorting alorithms, such as which sort is
efficient for which kind of data, etc.)

I would appreciate it if you could send the algorithms coded in C (if you
decide to send the actual algorithms instead of a pointer :-) to them).

Also, does anyone have any informaion about mergesort?

                                                 Michael Steiner
                                                 Email: U23405 at UICVM

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