Upgrade 5.0d for 9825

Phillip Millman millman at jade.Sbi.COM
Sat Nov 24 01:55:52 AEST 1990

> Now we're looking at a OSx5.1 upgrade.  Anybody got war stories about that?
> -- 

YUP. Here's mine.  At my previous firm, we upgraded from a 9815 to a MIS 4-2.  This
entailed going from OSx4.4c to OSx5.1a.  First of all 5.1 is at "a" revision which
means alot of undocumented features.  The one that caused us the most problems
was the process spawned by root have a non-modifiable path.  So if you have
programs in (for example) /usr/localbin that calls another program in the same 
directory, it won't work.  This is a security feature.  We also had a few programs
within cron fail for reasons unknown.

I would wait until 5.1b comes out. (about 3 months)  The other problem was that 
RTOC couldn't figure out what was going on 'cause nobody was supposed to have 5.1
so they weren't trained on it.


Phillip Millman					My Opinoins are my own
Salomon Bros.					because nobody else will
millman at moonstone.sbi.com			have them.

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