Broken window manager

"Gary S. Moss", VLD/VMB moss at BRL.MIL
Wed Jan 25 00:20:24 AEST 1989

<If this happens to you, the way to log in without graphics so you can
<fix it is:
<	login: username NOGRAPHICS=
<...  I don't believe this technique is documented anywhere (a
<co-worker of mine originally found it with "strings" I believe) but
<it's effective.
Actually, it is documented; section 2.4.2 (N2-6) "Recovering From Errors"
in the "4Sight User's Guide" version 2.0, chapter name "Programming in NeWS".
They recommend:

	login_name	NOGRAPHICS=1

You mean you didn't read the documentation cover-to-cover before logging in?
For shame! :-)

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