anon ftp config advice

Owen Baker rxcob at
Tue Dec 4 17:40:31 AEST 1990

mg@ (Mike Gigante) writes:

>rxcob at (Owen Baker) writes:

>>>How can I log what anonymous users are doing on my anon ftp account ?
>>>I would like to keep stats on what people are taking (to justify
>>>the popularity of my junk for my boss).

>>Do a man on FTP. There is a debug option (-d I think) for when the daemon is
>>started which logs all users and passwords and other stuff. The only problem
>>this has is that it works for all FTP users, not just anonymous, so its not
>>a very nice way of seeing everybodys passwords......


>Only anonymous FTP logs the passwd. It does so because the convention for
>anonymous ftp is to use your login id as the passwd. Here is a excerpt from
>my log.

>As you can see it gives the passwd for ANONYMOUS ftp, but only the user id
>for normal ftp users.

>Nov 29 09:00:29 godzilla ftpd[13518]: connection from
>Nov 29 09:00:36 godzilla ftpd[13518]: ANONYMOUS FTP login from, edna
>Nov 29 14:12:01 godzilla ftpd[17127]: connection from
>Nov 29 14:12:05 godzilla ftpd[17127]: FTP login from as idm

>So in the above examples, the user edna at used anon FTP and
>the user idm at used normal user ftp.

>You rely on the good faith of users (and sensibility) to use their real
>user ids as passwd for ANON ftp.

>I had one recent anon ftp session that used the passwd 'ident' (It does
>	"331 Guest login ok, send ident as password."


Are you saying that FTP automatically logs all anonymous FTP sessions?
I thought that you had to add -d to do this?
The entry in our /usr/etc/inetd.conf is as follows:

"ftp	stream	tcp	nowait	root	/usr/etc/ftpd		ftpd -d -l"

and the result you get in SYSLOG is:

Oct  3 12:25:06 caxton ftpd[14226]: FTPD: command: PASS ftp^M
Oct 26 11:49:01 caxton ftpd[16664]: FTPD: command: PASS dmh at goanna^M
Oct 29 17:31:22 caxton ftpd[3856]: FTPD: command: PASS asdasdasdasd^M
Nov 22 11:25:15 caxton ftpd[19838]: FTPD: command: PASS trl at^M

What is doing this then the -d or -l or both or have I seriously lost the
plot somewhere here?


PS. If Im right (slim chance I would say) then humbug back!!

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