need psview help

russell at CCU1.AUKUNI.AC.NZ russell at CCU1.AUKUNI.AC.NZ
Mon Jul 9 08:58:38 AEST 1990

I don't think that you will get psview to display output from Word. I
understand that it is not a complete implemantation of postscript and that
which is implemented is biased towards graphics. I have seen varying opinions
expressed in this group on this point. 

Assuming that psview is actually capable of displaying the file what you need
in addition to the postscript0 file is the laserprep file which contains the
definition of the 'Apple dependent stuff' that you observed. I am not a
Mac user and don't know the details of how to extract a file containing
the laserprep stuff. I have seen recipies for do so in some of the TeX related
discussions that I follow. I think there was a detailed article in Tugboat
(TeX Users Group journal) recently but I can't find it.

|  Russell Fulton		'phone +64 9 737-999 x 8955       |
|  Computer Centre		domain	rj_fulton at	  |
|  University of Auckland	fax     +64 9 303-2467		  |
|  Private Bag			time    gmt -12 (13) (summer time)|
|  Auckland, New Zealand.					  |

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