uucp xferstats script

Rodian Paul rpaul at crow.UUCP
Thu Mar 21 17:24:53 AEST 1991

Someone may find this script helpful, it prints out xfer statistics in
a decent manner, here's an example of it's output:

  Remote         KB       KB       KB Hr:Mn:Sc Hr:Mn:Sc AvCPS AvCPS Files Files
  Site         Recv     Xmit    Total     Recv     Xmit  Recv  Xmit  Recv  Xmit
  ------   -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----- ----- ----- -----
  tiger         0.0      5.7      5.7  0:00:00  0:00:25     0   236     0     4
  gungadin      1.2      2.9      4.1  0:00:17  0:00:18    77   164     2     2
  tokyo      9074.5      0.0   9074.5  1:59:45  0:00:00  1293     0   334     0
  apache        3.1    139.1    142.2  0:00:14  0:01:20   224  1775     8   124
  ccut        165.3     12.4    177.6  0:05:47  0:00:07   488  1883   152    18
  sesi          0.0     16.8     16.8  0:00:00  0:01:07     0   259     0     3
  ------   -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----- ----- ----- -----
  Totals     9244.1    176.9   9421.0  2:06:02  0:03:16  1252   922   496   151

Just before all the log files and stuff are cleaned up via cron, I have cron
run the shell and mail the output to the postmaster. You'll need to set the
term to unknown in the crontab file or remove the tput stuff from the script:

50	23	*	*	1	TERM=unknown; export TERM; /usr/local/bin/uutot | /usr/sbin/Mail -s uutot postmaster

The tput stuff will print the totals row in bold.

# --- sNiP --- SnIp  --- sNiP --- SnIp  --- sNiP --- SnIp  --- sNiP --- SnIp 
#  From the Nutshell Handbook: sed & awk by O'Reilly & Associates
#  p. 318, "uutot.awk" by R. A. Cornelius.
#  Modified by Rodian Paul,  Fri Feb 22 18:52:35 JST 1991

cat /usr/spool/uucp/.Admin/xferstats | \
nawk 'BEGIN {

  doall = 1;

  if( ARGC > 2 ) {
    doall = 0;
    for( i = 1; i < ARGC-1; i++) {
      dosome[ ARGV[i] ];
      ARGV[i] = "";

  "tput bold" | getline BLD
  "tput rmso" | getline NRM

  kbyte = 1024
  bang = "!";
  sending = "->";
  xmitting = "->" "|" "<-";

  hdr1 = "Remote         KB       KB       KB " \
       "Hr:Mn:Sc Hr:Mn:Sc AvCPS AvCPS Files Files\n";
  hdr2 = "Site         Recv     Xmit    Total   " \
       "  Recv     Xmit  Recv  Xmit  Recv  Xmit\n";
  hdr3 = "------   -------- -------- -------- -------- --------" \
       " ----- ----- ----- -----\n";

  fmt1 = "%-8.8s %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f %2d:%02d:%02.0f "\
       "%2d:%02d:%02.0f %5.0f %5.0f %5d %5d\n";
  fmt2 = "Totals   %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f %2d:%02d:%02.0f "\
       "%2d:%02d:%02.0f %5.0f %5.0f %5d %5d\n";
  if( $6 !~ xmitting )
  direction = ( $6 == sending ? 1 : 2)

  site = substr($1,1,index($1,bang)-1);

  if( site in dosome || doall ) {
    bytes[site,direction]+= $7;
    time[site,direction]+= $9;
  printf hdr1 hdr2 hdr3

  for( k in remote ) {
    rbyte+=  bytes[k,2]; sbyte+=  bytes[k,1];
    rtime+=  time[k,2];  stime+=  time[k,1];
    rfiles+= files[k,2]; sfiles+= files[k,1];
    printf(fmt1, k, bytes[k,2]/kbyte, bytes[k,1]/kbyte,
         time[k,2]/3600, (time[k,2]%3600)/60, time[k,2]%60,
         time[k,1]/3600, (time[k,1]%3600)/60, time[k,1]%60,
         bytes[k,2] && time[k,2] ? bytes[k,2]/time[k,2] : 0,
         bytes[k,1] && time[k,1] ? bytes[k,1]/time[k,1] : 0,
         files[k,2], files[k,1]);

  printf hdr3
  printf "%s", BLD
  printf(fmt2, rbyte/kbyte, sbyte/kbyte, (rbyte+sbyte)/kbyte,
       rtime/3600, (rtime%3600)/60, rtime%60,
       stime/3600, (stime%3600)/60, stime%60,
       rbyte && rtime ? rbyte/rtime : 0,
       sbyte && stime ? sbyte/stime : 0,
       rfiles, sfiles);
  printf "%s\n", NRM

# --- sNiP --- SnIp  --- sNiP --- SnIp  --- sNiP --- SnIp  --- sNiP --- SnIp 
crow!rpaul at ccut.cc.u-tokyo.ac.jp	phone: +81 (3) 5706-8357
ccut.cc.u-tokyo.ac.jp!crow!rpaul	  FAX: +81 (3) 5706-8437

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