Give me some references on large Unix (mainframe) systems.

Matti Koskivirta mjk at
Fri Sep 14 20:09:27 AEST 1990

To put it in short : Why is/isn't Unix efficient with mainframe-type
applications (>200 users) compared to (say) VMS ? How is it with OLTP ?
I would like to have some real references to convince some people.

So, are there any reasons that will block Unix out ? I think I know most of
the pros, but how is it with cons ? We will use run-time Ingres (8 hrs/day)
and real (at most 2 applications/user) users with it. No fixed hw yet.

BTW have you seen TPC-A test results on any *nix machines ? How are they
humming compared to other operating systems (especially with the same hw) ?


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