Info needed: UNIX for 286/386 machines (really malloc)

David Beckemeyer david at bdt.UUCP
Fri Mar 4 06:31:22 AEST 1988

In article <1393 at qetzal.UUCP> rcw at qetzal.UUCP (0000-Robert C. White) writes:
>Also the '-x' flag to uucico works with Honey Danber.  I have
>been running this version of uucp for several months now with
>little problem. On the down side, HDB does not make use of the
>ordinary uucp's /usr/lib/uucp/dialinfo capability.

I am not running HDB yet, but it sounds better.  I need the dialinfo
becuase I use a strange modem.  Does HDB have a similar mechanism for
setting up the dial sequence?  Now that I know "standard" UUCP, how
hard is it to learn, and setup HDB UUCP?
David Beckemeyer			| "To understand ranch lingo all yuh
Beckemeyer Development Tools		| have to do is to know in advance what
478 Santa Clara Ave, Oakland, CA 94610	| the other feller means an' then pay
UUCP: ...!ihnp4!hoptoad!bdt!david 	| no attention to what he says"

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