Curses bug in V/AT 2.4 - what was i

Keith Brown keithb at reed.UUCP
Mon Jun 19 18:56:57 AEST 1989

>is that endwin() does not release allocated memory.
>#include <curses.h>
>    {
>	printf ("Executing loop number: %d\r", i);
>	initscr ();
>	endwin ();
>    }

It's not supposed to release the memory.  endwin() just restores your
tty to a sane mode so you can shell.  As soon as you return from the shell,
you may do a refresh() and poof, you've got your screen back, everything in
place to continue executing.  But one user having 90 of these, a bit beyond
my remembering how far down the stack I am.

Keith Brown
UUCP:  {decvax allegra ucbcad ucbvax hplabs}!tektronix!reed!keithb
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