Kermit vs uugetty

Kevin D. Quitt kdq at demott.COM
Sat Mar 10 03:22:05 AEST 1990

    We have a modem on /dev/tty01 with a uugetty running on it for
normal network use.  Occasionally, I would like to be able to use this
modem to call other systems (such as bbs's) and transfer files (we don't
have ftp capability).  I have kermit to do the transfers, but it seems
to butt heads with the uugetty in trying to get the incoming data -
uugetty reads the output from kermit, barfs, sends error messages which
kermit gets as input. 

    Is there any way to make these guys happy campers? I hate to think
that this:

    - modify /etc/inittab, changing respawn to off for /dev/tty01
    - kill the uugetty
    - use kermit
    - modify /etc/inittab back to original
    - kick init.

is the only "right" way to do things.  What am I missing?


Kevin D. Quitt                          Manager, Software Development
DeMott Electronics Co.                  VOICE (818) 988-4975
14707 Keswick St.                       FAX   (818) 997-1190
Van Nuys, CA  91405-1266                MODEM (818) 997-4496 Telebit PEP last
34 12 N  118 27 W                       srhqla!demott!kdq   kdq at

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