VT100 emulation information needed

Dylan Kaufman morgan at chaos.cs.brandeis.edu
Tue May 8 16:57:18 AEST 1990


I am trying to write a small terminal mode program for my IBM
compatible which will only do vt100 emulation and allow file

I have a VT100 User Guide from digital, but I am still looking for
more information.  I have never written, or seen the code for, any
terminal emulator.  

If anyone out there has seen any code (C or TURBO Pascal) which does
some kind of terminal emulation, text files which explain methods of
doing terminal emulation, I would appreciate knowing about them.
Also, if anyone can suggest him or herself how to go about it, I would
appreciate it.

Please send email responses directly to me, and I will post a summary
if I get any answers.

Thanks in advance,

		     morgan at chaos.cs.brandeis.edu

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