Stupid question...

James Cameron jc at
Tue May 28 10:39:37 AEST 1991

>>>>> On 27 May 91 22:56:30 GMT, ljcummings at said:
||> Originator: ljcummings at

||>    Hi! This is a stupid question I know.. but somehow I've created a file
||> called !* in my bin directory.  How do I get rid of it?

[...deleted script of attempts at removing the file '!*'...]

||>    James cummings

	Since '!' is a special character it needs to be escaped.  
	The solution to your problem is:

% rm '\!*'  

	That is all there is to it.  You should take a look at bourne
	and c shell books;  or check the man pages under sh(1) and 
	csh(1).  Hope that helps!


					-- James Cameron  (jc at

Signal Processing and Interpretation Lab.  Boston, Mass  (617) 353-2879
"But to risk we must, for the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.  For
the man or woman who risks nothing, has nothing, does nothing, is nothing."
	(Quote from the eulogy for the late Christa McAuliffe.)

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