Warning to ESIX buyers.

Steven M. Boker smb at datran2.uunet
Thu Nov 15 12:47:18 AEST 1990

I have found a real gotcha in purchasing ESIX.

A few weeks ago I purchased an ESIX 2 user base system, a GUI
development toolkit and the NFS streams package.  I installed
the base system and the GUI development kit and played around with
it and my general impression was good.  Last week I started to
install some of the source packages I have only to find that there
were no libraries or compiler.  I look through the literature I
had and found that the base system was complete except for

"C Software Development (Optional)    CSDS   4 diskettes."

OK, I thought.  Well, maybe I'm going to have to put out more money
for this option.  I looked at their sales information and everything
I saw said that Development System was included.  I thought to 
myself, well maybe they just forgot to put the disks in the package.
I call up ESIX tech support and they say, "Oh yeah, you just need
the CSDS.  Gee, I don't see it listed here on the price sheet.  Why
don't you call Ali at 415-683-2067.  He'll straighten it out for you."

Gosh, I thought.  Real people.  I called Ali and he said, "Talk to
your software distributor and have him call me.  I'm sure we can
work something out."  

So I called the distributor and he called Ali and then my distributor
called me back with the story that Ali refused to tell me in person.

An ESIX 2 user base system can be purchased either with or without
the four diskettes that comprise the CSDS.  THERE IS NO OPTION THAT
CAN BE PURCHASED.  Thats right folks.  If you buy an ESIX 2 user base
system and don't ask for the CSDS, you will have to throw it away
if you ever want those 4 diskettes.

The deal is that I am being requested to buy a second ESIX base
system in order to get the libraries.  

This is really deceptive practices.  I encourage everyone who cares
about these sorts of things to tell Ali at 415-683-2067.  I have
not been so mistreated by a software company in a long time.  I
am president and founder of Data Transforms, Inc.  We were the
first member of the Software Publishers Association.  This kind
of practice shines a foul light on all of the commercial developers
out there that spend time energy and money in trying to make sure
that customers get value for their money.

'Nuff said.


 #  Steve Boker                #    Algorist: Adept at calculations -OED    #
 #  datran2!smb at uunet.uu.net   #           En Chaos Veritas  -SMB           #

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