5400 binary and 3100 binary, are they compatible both ways?

Farhad Shakeri farhad at CS.Stanford.EDU
Sat Jul 21 02:29:04 AEST 1990

I do not know if this has been talked about but I missed it.

When I installed our 3100s I just NFS mounted the /usr form
out 5400 to save time and space.  All of the binaries on
the 5400 were fine and we never had any problem with them. but 
the moment I and other users tried to use these binaries:
X11R4 binaries, gnuemacs, tcsh, MH...  they all acted
strange,  from core dump, seg. faults to hangings  really
annoying.  Then I just recompiled everything on my 3100 and
all went back to normal.  We are running the same OS  3.1c
on our 5400s and 3100.  I complained to DEC and they are
telling me that 5400 binaries and 3100s are compatible; 
a 5400 was made  to act as a server for 3100s.

One more thing is that after I played around with the 5400
binaries on 3100,  I can rate something like, they are
compatible  %80 and %20 not compatible.

Also  has anyone tried to make a 3100 kernel in /sys of
a 5400?  

Or has anyone ever seen a problem like this?  What am I 
doing wrong?  

Thanks for your help.

      /   Farhad Shakeri       E-Mail:                     /
     /  Stanford University    farhad at Tehran.Stanford.EDU /
    / Computer Science Dept.                             /

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